- Becoming a National Member of CODATA
- New CODATA National Member – Statement of Commitment Template
- Expectations of CODATA National Member
A National Member is a scientific academy, research council, scientific institution or association of such institutions which has activities in research data. Institutions effectively representing the range of such activities in a definite territory may be accepted as National Members provided they can be listed under a name that will avoid any misunderstanding about the territory they represent. (CODATA Constitution, Statute 3.1.a)
Each National Member is expected to establish a national committee for maintaining liaison between its national activities and CODATA (CODATA Constitution, Statute 3.3.b).
The Australian Academy of Science Technical University Wien (TU Wien) University of Botswana Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China Council of Finnish Academies Indian National Science Academy Israel Academy of Science and Humanities Science Council of Japan Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Mongolian Academy of Sciences Royal Society Te Apārangi National Research Foundation Academy of Sciences located in Taipei, Institute of Information Science National Academy of Sciences Jisc, The Royal Society and UKRI National Academy of Sciences
Page last updated: 2024-12-14