CODATA-Helsinki 2019 FAIR RDM Workshop
Submit proposals for presentations and posters:

Workshop Reception, 18:00-19:00, Mon 21 October
The organisers are pleased to announce that thanks to the generosity of the City of Helsinki, there will be a closing reception for the Workshop at 18:00-19:00 on Monday 21 October, which will take place in the ‘Empire Room’ of the Old Town Hall (Vanha Raatihuone in Finnish – also known as Bock’s House), Aleksanterinkatu 20.
Research Data and Research Institutions
Research data are an asset for research institutions. Their creation, management and stewardship imposes considerable responsibilities and requires partnership and alignment with other institutions and research initiatives globally. All over the world universities and libraries have started the task of developing research data services, many aspiring to cover the entire research lifecycle: support in writing proposals and data management plans, repository infrastructures for the storage of data, support in publishing data, assignment of persistent identifiers, lecturing in data management, etc. This broad scope means that such services are often seen as requiring a joint effort from university, library, IT centre, faculties and other stakeholders.
It is timely for actors in the various dimensions of such initiatives internationally to share their practical experiences, research and insights.
Themes and Guidelines for Proposals
Please consult the call for presentations and posters for themes and guidelines for submissions:
Workshop Programme
The event will start at 12:30 (TBC) on Sunday 20 October and will conclude at 18:00 (TBC) on Monday 21 October. the programme will feature at least two keynotes, parallel sessions of presentations on the workshop themes, and discursive workshop activities around the issues of benchmarking and maturity models for FAIR RDM in Institutions. Refreshments on both days and lunch on Monday 21 October will be provided.
Registration Fees
In order to contribute towards our costs (conference management system, refreshment breaks and lunch on Mon 21 October), but also to deter spurious and speculative registrations, which on previous events have greatly added to our workload, the programme committee has agreed to charge a registration fee of 40 euros.
Programme Committee
- Jan Brase, University of Göttingen
- Mercè Crosas, Harvard University
- Claudia Engelhardt, University of Göttingen
- Jane Greenberg, Drexel University
- Simon Hodson, CODATA
- Heidi Laine, CSC
- Liu Chuang, Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Science
- Devika Madalli, Indian Statistical Institute
- Pekka Orponen, Aalto University
- Limor Peer, Yale University
- Robin Rice, University of Edinburgh
- Annette Strauch, University of Hildesheim
- Minglu Wang, York University
- James Wilson, UCL
- Keith Russell, ARDC
- Michael Witt, Purdue University
Brian Westra, University of IOWA