Virtual SciDataCon 2021 – Registration is Open!
CODATA and WDS are pleased to announced that the REGISTRATION IS OPEN for Virtual SciDataCon 2021. Registration is free. Please note that you will need to register separately for each session you wish to attend.
The programme at a glance may be viewed at where the registration links for each session are also displayed.
You can also find the registration link in each session description, accessible from the full programme:
Virtual SciDataCon 2021 will run in a series of sessions from Mon 18 October to Thu 28 October. Sessions are organised in regular slots at 07:00-08:30 UTC, 11:00-12:30 UTC, 13:00-14:30 UTC and 16:00-17:30 UTC. Please consult the programme at for further detail on the sessions taking place each day. All the accepted sessions may be conveniently viewed at
Please consult our privacy policy and our Code of Conduct before registering.
Virtual SciDataCon 2021
Following the postponement of International Data Week to June 2022 (hybrid and onsite in Seoul, Republic of Korea), it was decided to retain some of the most significant and time sensitive session proposals and to run them in a Virtual SciDataCon.
Virtual SciDataCon 2021 comprises sessions covering the following themes:
- FAIR: interoperability and reusability
- Implementing and Assessing FAIR
- Policy Implementation (Open Science and FAIR)
- Data Skills
- Data Stewardship
- Data Centres and Repositories
- Research Infrastructures
- Global Open Science Clouds, Platforms and Commons
- Data for the Sustainable Development Goals and Disaster Risk Reduction
- Data in Cross-Domain Research
- Data in the Earth Sciences
- Strategic Discussions about CODATA and WDS Initiatives
The event will start with a keynote and discussion on Monday 18 October (11:00-12:30 UTC) and will close with a panel discussion on Thursday 28 October (13:00-14:30) covering the themes of the conference and the role of CODATA and WDS in relation to current developments, including the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, the International Science Council’s Action Plan.