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Membership: International Science Council (ISC) Bodies

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Each Scientific Union or other body federated to ISC which has an interest in research data and a desire to participate in the work of CODATA may become a Member by applying to CODATA through the CODATA Executive Director who shall substantiate its affiliation with ISC. (CODATA Constitution, Statute 3.1.c)


4S, Society for Social Studies of Science
CODATA delegate: Anita Say Chan
DRUM Ambassador: Anita Say Chan
IUIS, International Union of Immunological Societies
CODATA delegate: Roslyn Kemp, Associate Professor, University of Otago
DRUM Ambassador: Bjoern Peters
IAU, International Astronomical Union
CODATA delegate: Francoise Genova, CDS
DRUM Ambassador: Sébastien Derrière, Arnold Rots, Francoise Genova
IUPAC, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
CODATA delegate: Richard Hartshorn, Professor, University of Canterbury
DRUM Ambassador: Richard Hartshorn, Jeremy Frey, Stuart Chalk
WAU, World Anthropological Union
CODATA delegate: Isaac Nyamongo and Mary Hallin
DRUM Ambassador: Mary Hallin
IUPAP, International Union for Pure and Applied Physics
CODATA delegate: Jens Vigen
DRUM Ambassador: Eric Shirley
IGU, International Geographical Union
CODATA delegate: Dr Pankaj Kumar
DRUM Ambassador: Barbaros GÖNENÇGİL
IUPESM, International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
CODATA delegate: Marc Nyssen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels (VUB)
DRUM Ambassador: Magdalena Stoeva, Marc Nyssen
IMU, International Mathematical Union
CODATA delegate: Chair of the Committee on Electronic Information and Communication (2024-2026: Ilka Agricola, Philipps-Universität Marburg)
DRUM Ambassador: Johan Hoffman
IUPHAR, International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
CODATA delegate: Lars Gustafsson
DRUM Ambassador: Stephen Alexander
ISA, International Sociological Association
CODATA delegate: Chih-Jou Jay Chen, SINCIA
DRUM Ambassador: Chih-Jou Jay Chen
IUPS, International Union of Physiological Sciences
CODATA delegate: Rossana Occhipinti
DRUM Ambassador: Peter Hunter
ISDE, International Society for Digital Earth
CODATA delegate: Changlin Wang
DRUM Ambassador: Joan Masó
IUPsyS, International Union of Psychological Science
CODATA Delegate: Pamela Maras, Professor in Social and Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education and Health, University of Greenwich.
DRUM Ambassador: Pamela Maras
ISPRS, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
CODATA delegate: Sisi Zlatanova
DRUM Ambassador: Sisi Zlatanova
IUSS, International Union for Soil Sciences
CODATA delegate: Fenny van Egmond, ISRIC – World Soil Information (and Wageningen Environmental Research) and chair of IUSS WG Soil Information Standards
DRUM Ambassador: Brandon Whitehead
IUBS, International Union of Biological Sciences
CODATA delegate: Dr. Yiming Bao, Director of BIG Data Center, Beijing Institute of Genomics, China
DRUM Ambassador: Alok Bhattacharya
IUSSP, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
CODATA Delegate: Professor George Alter, University of Michigan
DRUM Ambassador: Professor George Alter, University of Michigan
IUCr, International Union of Crystallography=
CODATA delegate: Kamil Dziubek, University of Vienna
DRUM Ambassador: Carol Brock
IUTAM, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
CODATA delegate: Francisco Chinesta, Professor of computational physics at ENSAM ParisTech.
DRUM Ambassador: Francisco Chinesta
IUFOST, International Union of Food Science and Technology
CODATA delegate: Mariusz Piskula
DRUM Ambassador: Chin-Kun Wang, Mariusz Piskula
IUTOX, International Union of Toxicology
CODATA delegate: Dr. Peter Di Marco, President of IUTOX
DRUM Ambassador: Peter di Marco
IUFRO, International Union of Forest Research Organizations
CODATA delegate: Alexander Buck, IUFRO Executive Director.
DRUM Ambassador:
URSI, Union Radio Scientifique Internationale
CODATA delegate: Peter Van Daele
DRUM Ambassador: Yasuhiro Koyama
IUGG, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
CODATA delegate: Anatoly Soloviev
DRUM Ambassador: Justin Mabie
WDS, World Data System
CODATA delegate: Meredith Goins, Executive Director, WDS IPO.
DRUM Ambassador:
IUGS, International Union of Geological Sciences
CODATA delegate: Harvey Thorleifson
DRUM Ambassador: