Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: October 2024 Edition

Climate change will lead to wetter US winters, modeling study finds

Most Americans can expect wetter winters in the future due to global warming, according to a new study led by a University of Illinois Chicago scientist.

Using climate models to investigate how winter precipitation in the United States will change by the end of the 21st century, a team led by Akintomide Akinsanola found overall winter precipitation and extreme weather events will increase across most of the country.

New food early warning systems boost Fiji’s disaster preparedness amid growing climate risks

Approximately 171,611 Fijians in the Rewa Delta, Naitasiri, and parts of Tailevu will now benefit from 17 newly installed Flood Early Warning Systems. This advanced network of four rainfall stations, seven water level stations, and six warning posts will significantly enhance Fiji’s capacity to predict floods and execute timely evacuations, reducing the devastating impact of natural disasters on local communities.

The new warning system’s launch coincides perfectly with the Coalition Government’s recently unveiled National Development Plan, which aims to empower Fijians and create a more resilient nation and comes at a critical time for the country, which is facing increasing risks from climate change.

Research shows heat, drought and fire risk are increasing in South America

The number of days per year that are simultaneously extremely hot, dry, and have a high fire risk have as much as tripled since 1970 in some parts of South America.

South America is warming at a similar rate to the global average. However, some regions of the subcontinent are more at risk of the co-occurrence of multiple climate extremes. These compound extremes can have amplified impacts on ecosystems, economy, and human health. The authors additionally found that the likelihood of the compound conditions occurring on a regional basis was affected by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. During the warm El Niño phase, fire risk increased in the northern Amazon region, while the cooler La Niña phase led to increased fire risk in central South America.

How to fix funding bottlenecks and pave the way for locally led adaptation

A new survey explores the operational bottlenecks preventing local organisations from accessing climate adaptation funding. As the UN General Assembly approaches, IIED’s May Thazin Aung and BRAC’s Sousan Suha share the survey’s findings and explains how funders can smooth the way for locally led adaptation.

Race to Resilience welcomes 3 new regions as part of RegionsAdapt to boost climate resilience in India, Senegal, and Brazil

Three new regions – Assam (India), Louga (Senegal), and Pernambuco (Brazil) – have joined the Race to Resilience campaign through RegionsAdapt, committing to enhance climate resilience. Discover how these areas are empowering local communities, from rural farming to coastal restoration, to protect their environments and create sustainable futures.

How satellites are boosting climate resilience of EU cities

Our cities are home to the vast majority of Europeans, but they are under pressure from the complexities of climate change and rapid urbanisation. The EU-funded CURE project leveraged the power of Earth Observation satellites to address these issues, aiming to create safer, more sustainable cities for EU citizens.

One of the biggest hurdles in sustainable urban planning has been the lack of direct access to environmental data at a local scale. CURE’s efforts aimed to fix this problem by taking advantage of the vast amount of information collected by Copernicus, the Earth Observation (EO) component of the EU Space Programme.

Scaling Climate Finance for Locally-Led Adaptation

As the frequency and impacts of climate events increase, demand for adaptation at the local level becomes urgent. The adaptation finance received from developing and least developed countries is estimated to be less than USD 25 billion per year, which is exponentially less than the required amount of USD 215 billion per year. Further, the evidence indicates that less than 10% of global climate finance reaches the local level. Local communities lack the institutional capacity, financial tools, and knowledge networks necessary to secure adaptation finance. Complex application procedures, limited funding availability, and unequal distribution exacerbate the challenge. This highlights the need for developing innovative approaches to enhance access to adaptation finance at the local level in the Global South.

Economic and non-economic loss and damage: a harmful dichotomy?

Loss and damage is treated as comprising separate ‘economic’ and ‘non-economic’ dimensions in research and policy. While this has contributed to greater awareness and visibility of non-economic values, our empirical insights show that the two are inextricably linked and that research aimed at informing policy must be better attuned to the multifaceted and cascading nature of loss and damage.

Climate change and high exposure increased costs and disruption to lives and livelihoods from flooding associated with exceptionally heavy rainfall in Central Europe

While the rain was extremely heavy in many locations, the extent of the event, stretching across many countries, was exceptional. Almost two million people were directly affected by the flooding caused by the extreme rainfall (blue News, 2024). The most severe impacts in urban areas were in the Polish-Czech border region and Austria (The Guardian, 2024). At the time of writing at least 24 people lost their lives (The Guardian, 2024; BNN, 2024; CBS, 2024) with several persons still missing several days after the event in Czechia (DW, 2024). All countries were affected by power cuts, leading to schools and factories closing as well as hospitals.

Regional Guidelines on Protection and Assistance to Persons Displaced Across Borders and Migrants in Countries Affected by Natural Disasters

The ‘Regional Guidelines on Protection and Assistance to Persons Displaced across Borders and Migrants in Countries Affected by Natural Disasters’ (hereinafter the Guidelines) aim to improve institutional capacity in the humanitarian response to the challenges of displacement due to disasters.

How humans are affecting the Northern Hemisphere’s wind patterns

Part of the problem is that the Earth’s air circulation systems, which help spread and disperse moisture and heat throughout the world, have been weakening over the years. However, the exact reasons for this weakening have eluded researchers.

Now, in two studies led by Dr. Rei Chemke of the Weizmann Institute of Science, researchers have managed to crack this mystery: Human activity is what has been making the air circulation systems weaker.

Both studies focused on the wind patterns that together act as a vital network through which wind-borne heat and moisture flow throughout the world. Forming a major part of this network are storm tracks, high-pressure and low-pressure weather systems that flow from west to east.

Reducing floodplain development doesn’t need to be complex, say researchers

A paper, titled “How local governments avoid floodplain development through consistent implementation of routine municipal ordinances, plans, and programs,” published in Oxford Open Climate Change uncovers evidence suggesting that, contrary to expectations, most U.S. cities are not doing too badly in avoiding development in areas prone to flooding, and those that are effective appear to be applying existing tools and strategies well, rather than doing anything particularly novel.

Disaster Research Days 2024: shaping the future of science and research for disaster risk reduction

DG HOME is pleased to announce a new CERIS event: Disaster Research Days 2024, which will be held in Vienna on 8-10 October 2024 with a focus on Shaping the Future of Science and Research for Disaster Risk Reduction!

The aim is to foster interaction among science and research and disaster risk reduction policies, through dialogues involving scientists, practitioners, risk managers, policymakers, and local communities. The event will showcase the latest research findings and innovative solutions aimed at enhancing societal resilience. Participants will engage in knowledge-sharing, tool development, and strategy formulation, addressing the multifaceted challenges of disaster risk reduction

Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

The Government of the Philippines partners with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) to host the next Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) from 14 to 18 October 2024 at the Philippine International Convention Center in Manila (18 October is reserved for an optional site visit). The APMCDRR is the main platform in Asia and the Pacific to monitor, review and enhance cooperation for the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 at the regional level.

MCR2030 Disaster Risk Financing Roundtable – Financing a transition towards climate resilience

The MCR2030 Disaster Risk Financing Roundtable will kick-off the first session at the Resilience Investment and Financing Forum segment on day two of the European Urban Resilience Forum 2023.

The Roundtable will offer a space for discussion and exchange of experiences from cities, municipalities, financial service providers, investors, and stakeholders on the mobilization of funding for disaster resilience plans and projects.

Bonn Technical Forum 2024 on Non-Economic Losses- Bonn, Germany 22-  23 October

Both the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Paris Agreement emphasize the importance of considering these non-economic aspects to enhance understanding, action, and support for loss and damage associated with climate change and disaster. The Sendai Framework includes explicit references to ecosystems, cultural heritage, traditional and indigenous knowledge, territory, health and other key factors influencing both vulnerability and resilience.

August and September 2024: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Title: Knowledge Infrastructures Are Growing Up: The Case for Institutional (Data) Repositories 10 Years After the Holdren Memo
Author: Mikala R. Narlock, Scout Calvert, Shawna Taylor, Rachel Priesman Márquez, Aundria Parkman
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-046
Title: Development of the NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Database, Version 5
Author: Angela Y. Lee, Cedric J. Powell, Justin M. Gorham, Adam Morey, John Henry J. Scott, Robert J. Hanisch
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-045
Title: Identifying Inconsistencies in Data Quality Between FAOSTAT, WOAH, UN Agriculture Census, and National Data
Author: Ian McKechnie, Kassy Raymond, Deborah Stacey
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-044
Title: Software Management Plans – Current Concepts, Tools, and Application
Author: Yves Vincent Grossmann, Giacomo Lanza, Katarzyna Biernacka, Tim Hasler, Kerstin Helbig
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-043
Title: Decentralised Semantics: A Semantic Engine User Perspective
Author: Carly M. Huitema, Paul Knowles, Philippe Page, A. Michelle Edwards
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-042


Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: September 2024 Edition

Navigating the financial risks of flooding

Floods continue to be one of the costliest natural hazards, and they are more and more exacerbated by climate change.[1] Over 40% of company locations within MSCI GeoSpatial Asset Intelligence coverage are affected by at least one of the three different flood types: pluvial flooding (from extreme rainfall), fluvial flooding (from rivers overflowing their banks) and coastal flooding (from high tidal water and storm surges).

GCF unveils new organisational structure to accelerate climate action

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) today unveiled the latest phase of its ambitious reform agenda to enhance efficiency and impact in supporting climate action.

The Fund transitions today to a new organisational structure designed to fulfill its promise, potential, and ambition. This transition is part of GCF’s “50 by 30” vision and reform agenda, which aims to efficiently and impactfully manage USD 50 billion in investments by 2030, as announced by GCF Executive Director Mafalda Duarte at last year’s United Nations General Assembly.

SCAR Open Science Conference in Chile: a catalyst for polar research

The 2024 Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference, being held from August 19 to 23 in Chile, is bringing together polar researchers from around the world to share their latest discoveries, foster international collaborations, and address the critical challenges facing the polar regions.

Themed “Antarctic Science: Crossroads for a New Hope,” this edition aims to highlight Antarctica’s unique and fragile ecosystem, especially in the context of escalating climate change concerns.

How to fix funding bottlenecks and pave the way for locally led adaptation

A new survey explores the operational bottlenecks preventing local organisations from accessing climate adaptation funding. As the UN General Assembly approaches, IIED’s May Thazin Aung and BRAC’s Sousan Suha share the survey’s findings and explains how funders can smooth the way for locally led adaptation.

Vicious circle of climate change, wildfires and air pollution has major impacts

A vicious cycle of climate change, wildfires and air pollution is having a spiralling negative impact on human health, ecosystems and agriculture, according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Global South cities lack cooling green spaces

Cities in the Global South are more exposed to extreme heat because they lack cooling green spaces, new research shows. The study found that Global South cities have just 70% of the “cooling capacity” provided by urban greenery in the Global North. With temperatures rising, combined with the “urban heat island” effects that make cities hotter than rural areas, heat-related illness and death in cities are becoming more common.

The risk of global water scarcity is greater when accounting for the origin of rain

Securing the world’s water supply is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Research at Stockholm University is now presenting an alternative method for quantifying the global risk of water scarcity. Results indicate higher risks to water supply than previously expected if accounting for the environmental conditions and governability where rain is produced.

WMO Air Quality and Climate Bulletin

The bulletin, the fourth in an annual series, explores the intricate relationship between air quality and climate. This year’s theme is Invest in Clean Air Now. Ambient air pollution causes more than 4.5 million premature deaths annually and wreaks a high economic and environmental cost. The WMO Air Quality and Climate Bulletin includes a special focus on wildfires. It also looks at global and regional concentrations of particulate matter pollution and its harmful effects on crops in 2023.

Climate resilience dialogue

The final report of the Climate Resilience Dialogue puts forward actions for increasing climate resilience in the EU and addressing the climate protection gap, with a focus on adaptation measures. The European Commission convened a Climate Resilience Dialogue in November 2021 to facilitate an open exchange on ways to address the climate protection gap and increase climate resilience in the EU, with a focus on climate adaptation. The Dialogue brought together stakeholders such as public authorities, including supervisors, consumer organisations, and the insurance industry.

Making climate finance work for all: Five tests for a robust New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG)

This report sets out key principles and five tests that can help ensure the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) is robust, all of which are underpinned by a core principle of fairness.

This year, at the United Nations climate conference in Azerbaijan (COP29), countries are due to agree a new global finance goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions, boost resilience, help communities adapt to the impacts of climate change, and cover the costs of loss and damage. It is critical that this New Collective Quantified Goal, or NCQG, reflects the lessons learned over the last 15 years, restores trust in the multilateral process, and equips countries to respond to rapidly escalating challenges.

Maturity model: Adaptative social protection system

This model is organized into 7 dimensions and consists of 50 indicators. It assesses the level of maturity of the system across 5 different levels. The interconnectedness and reciprocal influence across these dimensions ensure a holistic examination, preventing fragmented approaches and offering a comprehensive perspective of the system.

Adaptive social protection refers to the utilization of social protection systems and programs to enhance the ability of impoverished and vulnerable households to withstand and recover from various shocks, such as those associated with climate change.The maturity model is an assessment tool that seeks to measure the capacity of social protection systems to fulfill these new functions.

6th Arab Water Forum

Building on 16 years of success, the Arab Water Forum will gather visionaries and pioneers from across the water value chain to advance the solutions that matter most to ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all.

Taking place in Abu Dhabi, the three-day event provides a platform for industry leaders to fast-track collaborative efforts to meet water security goals and identify the most promising innovation and growth opportunities.

Climate Ambition Summit

Against the backdrop of the worsening climate crisis, the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Ambition Summit aimed to showcase “first mover and doer” leaders from government, business, finance, local authorities, and civil society who came with credible actions, policies and plans – and not just pledges – to accelerate the decarbonization of the global economy and deliver climate justice in line with his Acceleration Agenda.

“If these first-doers and first-movers can do it, everybody can do it,” the Secretary-General said in his closing remarks, calling it a “Summit of Hope.”

GEO Symposium and ODOK Workshop 2024

The 2024 GEO Symposium and Open Data & Open Knowledge Workshop (ODOK) will be held in Hangzhou, China from 23 to 26 September 2024.

Under the theme ‘From Vision to Action: Crafting GEO’s Post 2025 Implementation Plan’, the Symposium and ODOK will focus on translating the GEO Post-2025 Strategy into a detailed and costed Implementation Plan.

Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

The Government of the Philippines partners with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) to host the next Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) from 14 to 18 October 2024 at the Philippine International Convention Center in Manila (18 October is reserved for an optional site visit). The APMCDRR is the main platform in Asia and the Pacific to monitor, review and enhance cooperation for the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 at the regional level.

Disaster Research Days 2024: shaping the future of science and research for disaster risk reduction

DG HOME is pleased to announce a new CERIS event: Disaster Research Days 2024, which will be held in Vienna on 8-10 October 2024 with a focus on Shaping the Future of Science and Research for Disaster Risk Reduction!

Drought Resilience +10

Integrated Drought Management Program – IDMP, World Meteorological Organization – WMO, Global Water Partnership – GWP, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification – UNCCD , Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – UNDRR, World Bank, Integrated Water Management Institute – IWMI, International Union for Conservation of Nature – IUCN, National Drought Mitigation Center – NDMC, Maroc Meteo, U.S. Department of State, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – NOAA, Agencia Estatal de Meteorología – AEMET

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: August 2024 Edition

Novel platform empowers cities to build climate resilience and adaptation

More than 70 % of Europe’s urban population faces the growing challenges of climate change, from air pollution to flash floods. EU-funded researchers are developing a revolutionary platform to visualise these impacts and evaluate the effectiveness of city responses.

The EU-funded HARMONIA project is a Europe-wide collaboration comprising universities, research institutes, small- and medium-sized enterprises and non-governmental organisations in four pilot cities: Ixelles, Milan, Piraeus and Sofia.

Green climate fund approves WFP’s US$ 9.8 million project to build climate resilience in Pakistan

Islamabad – The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has approved a US$ 9.8 million climate risk management initiative aimed at strengthening resilience to extreme climate in flood-prone districts in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province, to be implemented by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in collaboration with the Government of Pakistan.

The latest data confirms: Forest fires are getting worse

The latest data on forest fires confirms what we’ve long feared: Forest fires are becoming more widespread, burning at least twice as much tree cover today as they did two decades ago. Fire is also making up a larger share of global tree cover loss compared to other drivers like mining and forestry. While fires only accounted for about 20% of all tree cover loss in 2001, they now account for roughly 33%. This increase in fire activity has been starkly visible in recent years.

Japan’s magnitude 7.1 shock triggers megaquake warning. How likely is this scenario?

On 8 August 2024, a magnitude 7.1 shock struck at a depth of 25 kilometers, about five to ten kilometers off the shores of the city of Miyazaki on Japan’s southern island, Kyushu (USGS, 2024). The population of this region is accustomed to large shocks; in 2016 a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck the city of Kumamoto, in the center of Kyushu, causing extensive damage.

Almost half a billion children live in areas experiencing at least twice as many extremely hot days as their grandparents

One in 5 children – or 466 million – live in areas that experience at least double the number of extremely hot days every year compared to just six decades ago, according to a new UNICEF analysis. Using a comparison between a 1960s and a 2020-2024 average, the analysis issues a stark warning about the speed and scale at which extremely hot days – measured as more than 35 degrees Celsius / 95 degrees Fahrenheit – are increasing for almost half a billion children worldwide, many without the infrastructure or services to endure it.

Cyclone Remal: A wake-up call for building resilience

With a span of about 400km, Cyclone Remal struck the Bangladesh coast on 26th May 2024, passing through the Sundarbans with wind speeds as high as 111km/h. The cyclone caused prolonged precipitation and widespread destruction, with floods submerging areas and disrupting livelihoods across 19 districts. Damage to 61 kilometres of embankments in Khulna, Satkhira, and Bagerhat resulted in significant financial losses.

Building disaster resilience by empowering future innovators

The NSW Government has recently announced funding for a UNSW Sydney-led program for upper primary school students on bushfire and air quality management. The Fresh AIR Innovators program combines technology, environmental awareness and entrepreneurial spirit to inspire the next generation of problem-solvers and innovators. Project lead Professor Donna Green from the UNSW School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences says the program is a re-think on how STEM and disaster resilience is taught in schools.

Global Heat Resilience Service

GEO is joining forces with partners around the world to develop the Global Heat Resilience Service, aiming to help every city understand the dangers of extreme heat. With this transformative service, cities will be able to access valuable data, information, and insight to develop better plans for managing extreme heat events, protect people’s health, and reduce the impact on local economies.

Interactive map shows thresholds for coastal nuisance flooding

As sea levels rise around the world, communities in coastal areas are more frequently seeing the impact of routine high tide flooding. These incursions of sea water may weaken foundations and infrastructure, slow down traffic and curb business activities in affected areas. University of Alabama graduate student Sadaf Mahmoudi, working under Dr. Hamed Moftakhari, trained machine learning algorithms learn the underlying features that contribute to sea level rise and high tide flooding

A global foresight report on planetary health and human wellbeing

This report calls for the world to pay heed and respond to a range of emerging challenges that could disrupt planetary health and wellbeing. It presents insights on eight critical global shifts that are accelerating the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity and nature loss and pollution and waste.

Resilience amidst the river. Project evaluation: Reinforcing rural resilience (RRR) through a strong National Society

This study was commissioned to evaluate the “Reinforcing Rural Resilience (RRR) project in terms of relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency. Implemented by Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) and Swiss Red Cross (SRC) between 2021 and 2024, the project reached a population of 235,200 across 88 communities in Bangladesh’s north-western districts of Kurigram and Gaibandha.

Towards transparent, accountable and inclusive climate change policies in Timor-Leste

This report highlights the disproportionate impact of climate change on vulnerable groups, particularly women and people with disabilities in Timor-Leste, and underscores the importance of effective climate finance disbursement to help these communities build resilience. The report emphasizes that climate finance is critical to help these communities build resilience.

Removing development incentives in risky areas promotes climate adaptation

This study evaluates one approach to discouraging development in risky areas-eliminating public incentives for development, such as infrastructure investments, disaster assistance and federal flood insurance. Using machine learning and matching techniques, the authors examine the Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS), a set of lands where these federal incentives have been removed.

World Water Week 2024: 25-29 August

World Water Week 2024 is centered on water cooperation, for peace and security in its broadest sense. The theme, Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future, asks us to recognize the regional and global interconnectivity of communities and nations, and underscores the collaborative effort needed to achieve a peaceful and sustainable future

FIREURISK Project – Final Demonstration of Geospatial products

The FirEUrisk Project has developed a science-based strategy to tackle wildfire risk, already validated in five regions across Europe: Barcelona province, central Portugal, central Europe, Kalmar county and Attica region.

Demonstration objectives:
– Critical assessment of the methods/products developed within the FirEUrisk project for the European Territory.
– Validation/semi-operational test for the summer of 2024 fire season.

Disaster Research Days 2024: shaping the future of science and research for disaster risk reduction

DG HOME is pleased to announce a new CERIS event: Disaster Research Days 2024, which will be held in Vienna on 8-10 October 2024 with a focus on Shaping the Future of Science and Research for Disaster Risk Reduction!

Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 

The Government of the Philippines partners with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) to host the next Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) from 14 to 18 October 2024 at the Philippine International Convention Center in Manila (18 October is reserved for an optional site visit). The APMCDRR is the main platform in Asia and the Pacific to monitor, review and enhance cooperation for the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 at the regional level.

Collaborative journey toward advancing urban resilience

The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the World Health City Forum (WHCF) are proud to announce our collaborative efforts to bolster urban resilience globally in the face of pandemics and climate change. This partnership aims to empower urban stakeholders with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage and mitigate disaster risks effectively.

July 2024: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Title: A Data-Driven Approach to Monitor and Improve Open and FAIR Research Data in a Federated Research Ecosystem
Author: Markus Kubin, Mojeeb Rahman Sedeqi, Alexander Schmidt, Astrid Gilein, Tempest Glodowski, Vivien Serve, Gerrit Günther, Nina Leonie Weisweiler, Gabriel Preuß, Oonagh Mannix
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-041
Title: Enhancing findability and searchability of research data: Metadata conversion and registration in institutional repositories
Author: Masahito Nosé, Atsuki Shinbori, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Tomoaki Hori, Tsukasa Ohira, Junko Hashiba, Chizuko Naoe, Rui Gakiya, Maiko Okamoto, Takeshi Sagara, Takaaki Aoki, Shigeki Matsubara, Ichiro Takahashi, Hidekazu Hayashi, Kazunari Yamada, Yasuyuki Minamiyama, Yoshimasa Tanaka, Shuji Abe, Satoru UeNo, Shun Imajo, Yasuo Saito, Takuya Ashikita, Yuko Hori, Toshiyuki Shimizu, Nanako Okamura, Kaoru Hirano, Lee Bargatze
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-040
Title: Data on the Margins – Data from LGBTIQ+ Populations in European Social Science Data Archives
Author: Jonas Recker, Anja Perry
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-039
Title: The Nansen Legacy Template Generator for Darwin Core and CF-NetCDF
Author:Luke Marsden, Olaf Schneider
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-038
Title: Earth Science Data Repositories: Implementing the CARE Principles
Author:Margaret O’Brien, Ruth Duerr, Riley Taitingfong, Andrew Martinez, Lourdes Vera, Lydia L. Jennings, Robert R. Downs, Erin Antognoli, Talya ten Brink, Nicole B. Halmai, Dominique David-Chavez, Stephanie Russo Carroll, Maui Hudson, Pier Luigi Buttigieg
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-037

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: July 2024 Edition

Ensuring resilient water infrastructure in a changing climate

Climate change is having a fundamental effect on the water sector, and if we look at this from the point of view of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) itself, there is an impact of decision making not only on the economy, but also on key aspects of the national development goals and issues such as food security, environment, health and of course SDG 6.

Water management has a huge economic impact, and if you are able to ensure that IWRM has been embedded into decision making through processes like multicriteria assessment, it is possible to make judgements about how to make the most efficient use of limited water resources.

New AI-led science initiative will help protect communities hit by climate change in East Africa

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Oxford University Physics Department, IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC), and various national forecasting and meteorology agencies across east Africa are joining forces to pioneer a transformative initiative that is revolutionising extreme weather forecasting and early warning systems in the region.

Avoiding gridlock: The impact of climate on electric grids

Grids are the arteries and veins of electricity circulation. Comprising of power stations, substations, transformers, transmission and distribution lines, the grid connects electricity supply to demand. It is a complex and intricate network, exposed to many natural and man-made risks.

Shaping a resilient future: GEM’s innovations at WCEE2024

The Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation is gearing up for the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024) in Milan, Italy, from July 1st to 5th, 2024. This premier earthquake engineering conference brings together researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of earthquake preparedness and mitigation strategies. GEM will be at the forefront, presenting a wide range of technical sessions and presentations by its leading scientists.

Wildfires increasingly threaten oil and gas drill sites, compounding potential health risks, study says

More than 100,000 oil and gas wells across the western U.S. are in areas burned by wildfires in recent decades, a new study has found, and some 3 million people live next to wells that in the future could be in the path of fires worsened by climate change.

Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, said their analysis, which was published last week in the journal One Earth, is the first to examine historical and projected wildfire threats on oil and gas facilities in the U.S.

Communicating the links between climate change and heat waves with the Climate Shift Index

Extreme weather, including heat waves, poses a significant threat to human health and ecosystems. As global temperatures continue to rise, heat waves are becoming more frequent and severe. Because of this, communicating heat-related risks to the public is increasingly important for both their own protection and to encourage mitigation policies.

We conducted a message experiment with 3,902 Americans, focused on the July 2023 heat wave that occurred in much of the United States.

Community engagement in anticipatory action: Snapshot of experiences and good practices from focus countries

In this framework, FAO has developed a Compendium of experiences and good practices from focus countries, namely Bangladesh, Guatemala, the Niger and Zimbabwe. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as one of the leading operational organizations implementing Anticipatory Action and providing technical advice and normative guidance on corresponding approaches in the agriculture and food security sector, has embarked on a project funded by the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance of the United States Agency for International Development with the aim to capture emerging and good practices to improve community engagement in Anticipatory Action.

Using climate financing wisely to address multiple crises

In this review, the authors examine how investments in food, land and water systems can reduce the risk of crises if aligned to harness multiple benefits. A convergence of several risk drivers creates the compound crises seen across the globe today. At the same time, the global humanitarian community and national institutions in affected countries are increasingly resource constrained. In this context, existing financing mechanisms should be evaluated for their potential to create synergies between social protection, peace, and inclusion objectives on the one hand and climate resilience outcomes on the other.

Towards a climate-resilient built environment: a discussion paper on opportunities and priorities for climate adaptation in the EU

As the topic of a climate-resilient built environment is not specifically encompassed by any single European Union (EU) policy file, this publication argues that consistency between adaptation and buildings policy could be boosted by a European Commission-led EU strategy. Amidst escalating climate impacts and societal challenges, climate adaptation policies in the built environment need to gain prominence if the EU is to advance towards a more resilient society. Current policy responses to the climate crisis focus on mitigation.

Understanding flood risk in urban environments: spatial analysis of building vulnerability and hazard areas in the Lisbon metropolitan area

This paper aims to contribute to the global efforts to enhance flood resilience in urban areas by introducing a physical vulnerability index for buildings in flood-prone urban areas and exploring its connection with flood hazard, as defined by the European Union Directive 2007/60/EC. An index-based methodology is proposed to assess the physical vulnerability of buildings to flooding, utilising the Portuguese Census and Georeferenced Buildings Database, collected on a nationwide scale.

Climate and UNFCCC priority talking points for SB60

The Sendai Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism (SEM) is a group of non-state stakeholders advocating for the recognition and implementation of disaster risk reduction (DRR) in intergovernmental policies, including in climate action. Disaster risk is inextricably linked to climate change. A goal of the SEM is to support the engagement of DRR stakeholder groups in intergovernmental decisions and policy-making. The following talking points come from previous SEM position papers for UNFCCC processes.

Workshop on disaster risk reduction and early warning systems for all through effective gender-responsive planning, digital government transformation and financing

An Online Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning Systems for All through Effective Gender-Responsive Planning, Digital Government Transformation and Financing will be held on 23 – 25 July 2024. It is being organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)

Second episode of the WebTalk on investing in disaster risk reduction

This episode will showcase how governments have been integrating disaster risks into their budgetary processes and the benefits they are deriving from it. It will also feature a new report from UNDRR – the Resilience Expenditure Landscape Report, which provides analysis and lessons learned based on a dataset of 54 countries (mostly from Africa).

WWRP PEOPLE (Progressing EW4All Oriented to Partnerships and Local Engagement) Project Steering Group Meeting

Building on insights from previous projects, PEOPLE will recognize the elements of an effectively expanded Early Warning System (EWS) and analyze the structural and social processes needed to support this. It will acknowledge cultural and knowledge systems as well as governance dimensions, focusing on science for and with policy and practice.

June 2024: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Title: DataLawCompanion: Enhancing Data Protection Law Compliance in the Digital Age
Author: Lawrence Nderu, Ruth Oginga, Bonface Butichi, John Rono, Florence Njau, Felista Mogire, Derrick Matindo, Daniel Muiruri, Agnes Kiragga
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-036
Title: Enhancement of a Transformation Algorithm to Migrate SQL Database into NoSQL Graph Database
Author: Hira Lal Bhandari, Roshan Chitrakar
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-035

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: June 2024 Edition

Godfathers of climate chaos’: UN chief urges global fossil-fuel advertising ban

In a major speech in New York on Wednesday, António Guterres called on news and tech media to stop enabling “planetary destruction” by taking fossil-fuel advertising money while warning the world faces “climate crunch time” in its faltering attempts to stem the crisis. In his speech, Guterres announced new data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) showing there is an 80% chance the planet will breach 1.5C (2.7F) in warming above pre-industrial times in at least one of the next five calendar years.

Building resilience through infrastructure investments

The Climate Investment Funds’ resilience programming helped build or rehabilitate more than 12,000 units of small-scale infrastructure and almost 3,000 km of roads. A new Results Deep Dive publication looks into what was delivered in 15 countries.

Evolving multi-hazard paradigms in a nutshell

Understanding multi-hazard approaches is crucial in an era of escalating natural hazards leading to disastrous impacts on Earth’s citizens. Triggered by the increasing frequency and severity of these events, this brief post provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of evolving paradigms in multi-hazard research and management.

How Miami-Dade County is protecting public housing residents from dangerous heat waves

The federal government requires all public housing to be heated to keep residents warm, but it does not require cooling. So during heat waves, people may be at risk of heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses, especially as the climate warms. So Miami-Dade County has taken action on its own.

From Panama to Suez and the Turkish Straits: The cost of climate change for international trade

A new study led by the CMCC also highlights the possible effects on production and prices of agricultural commodities. Global trade relies on maritime routes, which pass through key chokepoints, for smooth and timely shipments. Analysing how climate change will impact these key areas for global trade, and hence both national and global economies, is an area of concern when assessing the adaptation measures, particularly in the context of the unequal distribution of climate change impacts on agriculture.

Ocean warming triggers Indo-Pacific heatwaves.

An intense heatwave gripping South and South-East Asia since late March comes as no surprise to leading meteorologists who have been warning of steadily rising temperatures in the Indian Ocean. Temperatures in the Philippines and Thailand have topped 50C this month, while Bangladesh has recorded almost 30 days of heatwaves. Scientists say the heatwaves are directly linked to climate change and ocean warming, which are likely to bring even more intense weather events such as cyclones.

UN-Water, Partners Estimate Water Requirements of Climate Mitigation

The International Universities Climate Alliance (IUCA) and the UN-Water Expert Group on Water and Climate Change have published a study estimating water requirements of climate change mitigation measures. The report identifies trends related to the water intensity of mitigation and adaptation options considered by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and recommends countries take these into account in their climate policies.

Advancing scenario practice to build resilience to geologic hazards

Based on research of past scenario efforts as well as emerging approaches, this guidance is designed to help practitioners develop “next generation” scenarios that motivate policy development and action to mitigate risk. It provides a resource for co-production and use of scenarios for geologic hazards—earthquakes, landslides, and volcanoes—particularly in low-resource international contexts.

UNDRR Annual Report 2023

In 2023, UNDRR crossed the halfway point of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. This milestone was marked by a renewed global determination to accelerate progress in the remaining years to 2030, as was expressed in the UN General Assembly’s political declaration on the Sendai Framework’s midterm review.

Responding to climate change impacts on human health in Europe: focus on floods, droughts and water quality.

This report aims to raise awareness about the range of risks to human health associated with changes in water quantity and quality under the changing climate. It assesses our preparedness for ongoing and future impacts by examining the current policy landscape in Europe. At the same time, it seeks to inspire action by showing examples of practical measures implemented across various sectors and on various scales in the EEA member and collaborating countries.

Plastic pollution and disaster risk reduction

This paper highlights the interlinkages between the downstream stage of the plastic lifecycle and disaster risk, analysing: the impact of plastic pollution on ecosystem resilience; the impact of plastic pollution in accumulation zones; the increase in vulnerability due to plastic pollution; and the impact of disasters on plastic pollution.

SB 60 Side Event: Loss and damage data to accelerate climate action

The proposed side event at the 60th session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB 60) will explore the data and evidence requirements for effectively tracking slow and rapid onset hazards, the current state of data on losses and damages and explore opportunities to scale-up and demonstrate application at multiple levels.

Web talk on investing in disaster risk reduction with the topic of direct and indirect costs of disasters.

UNDRR invites you to its WebTalk on Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction with the topic of direct and indirect costs of disasters. UNDRR’s approach to DRR Finance includes five steps that provide a comprehensive overview of the national financial framework.

6th JRC Summer School on Sustainable Finance

the JRC Summer School on Sustainable Finance aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss recent developments and innovations in the field of sustainable finance. By doing so, it exposes researchers to the most demanding issues faced by the industry and helps them produce policy-relevant research.

Fifth High-Level Session of Open Consultative Platform (OCP-HL-5)

The 5th High-Level Session of the WMO Open Consultative Platform (OCP-HL-5) will take place at Salle Obasi, the main conference room of the WMO building in Geneva, from 12:00-13:40 CEST on June 13, 2024. The theme of OCP-HL-5 will revolve around Public-Private Engagement for Sustainable Satellite Data Services.


May 2024: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Title: Rethinking Data Management Planning: Introducing Research Output Management Planning (ROMPi) Approach
Author: Stefano Della Chiesa, Sujit Kumar Sikder
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-034
Title: The FAIR Assessment Conundrum: Reflections on Tools and Metrics
Author: Leonardo Candela, Dario Mangione, Gina Pavone
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-033
Title: Centering Relationality and CARE for Stewardship of Indigenous Research Data
Author: Miranda Belarde-Lewis, Sandra Littletree, Iisaaksiichaa Ross Braine, Kaitlin Srader, Nestor Guerrero, Carole L. Palmer
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-032
Title: The Optimization of n-Gram Feature Extraction Based on Term Occurrence for Cyberbullying Classification
Author:Yudi Setiawan, Nur Ulfa Maulidevi, Kridanto Surendro
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-031
Title: Correction: The ‘PROTECT’ Essential Elements in Managing Crisis Data Policies
Author: Lili Zhang, Perihan Elif Ekmekci, Virginia Murray, Burcak Basbug Erkan, Francis P. Crawley, Xueting Li, Yandi Li
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-030
Title: Unrestricted Versus Regulated Open Data Governance: A Bibliometric Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 Nucleotide Sequence Databases
Author: Nathanael Sheehan, Federico Botta, Sabina Leonelli
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-029
Title: The Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) – a Strong Community Behind an Established Software for DMPs and Much More
: Ivonne Anders, Harry Enke, Daniela Adele Hausen, Christin Henzen, Gerald Jagusch, Giacomo Lanza, Olaf Michaelis, Karsten Peters-von Gehlen, Torsten Rathmann, Jürgen Rohrwild, Sabine Schönau, Kerstin Vanessa Wedlich-Zachodin, Jürgen Windeck
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-028
Title:Black Hole Clustering: Gravity-Based Approach with No Predetermined Parameters
Author: Belal K. ELFarra, Mamoun A. A. Salaha, Wesam M. Ashour
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-027
Title:Harmonizing GCW Cryosphere Vocabularies with ENVO and SWEET. Towards a General Model for Semantic Harmonization
Author:Ruth Duerr, Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Gary Berg Cross, Kai Lewis Blumberg, Brandon Whitehead, Nancy Wiegand, Kate Rose
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-026
Title: Time Series Mining Approaches for Malaria Vector Prediction on Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy Data
Author: Lucas G. M. Castro, Henrique V. Costa, Vinicius M. A. Souza
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-025

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: May 2024 Edition

How Insurers Game Out Disaster Risk and Drop Customers 

Rising losses from storms and hurricanes are prompting insurers to increase rates and curtail coverage. CSAA Insurance Group refused to renew its policy this year on the home that Ronnie de Supinski owns with her husband, Bronis, in Livermore, Calif. The reason given? Wildfire risk. The wildfire-risk score sent by CSAA? Zero.

How African cities can learn from each other about building climate resilience

More necessary than ever, communities must come closer together, share goals, knowledge, and ideas, and co-create innovative solutions to climate change. Here’s how some cities in Africa have responded to climate shocks and what others can learn from their experiences and better understand how to build a future of shared climate resilience and prosperity.

Hidden threat: Global underground infrastructure vulnerable to sea-level rise 

As sea levels rise, coastal groundwater is lifted closer to the ground surface while also becoming saltier and more corrosive. A recent study by earth scientists at the University of Hawai‘i (UH) at Mānoa compiled research from experts worldwide showing that in cities where there are complex networks of buried and partially buried infrastructure, interaction with this shallower and saltier groundwater exacerbates corrosion and failure of critical systems such as sewer lines, roadways, and building foundations.

USGS deploys “aftershock kits” to study Whitehouse Station earthquakes 

A U.S. Geological Survey team has begun a seismic sensor deployment to capture aftershock data following the 4.8 magnitude earthquake that rattled New Jersey April 5, 2024, and was felt for hundreds of miles. The team is deploying eight “aftershock kits” this week, which will gather information such as where aftershocks originate in the area, how long they last, and their magnitude, said Greg Tanner, a USGS electronics technician.

Côte d’Ivoire launches NAP communication strategy and digital campaign to engage youth in climate change adaptation 

Côte d’Ivoire is currently preparing to launch its first national NAP document, which is expected to be validated by the minister in the coming month. Recognizing that the country will not achieve its climate ambitions without bringing all actors and citizens into the NAP process, the Côte d’Ivoire government has worked in parallel on their first NAP communication strategy, published in April 2024. The main objective of the strategy is to inform and raise awareness of the NAP’s priorities among all stakeholders.

Lessons on resilience from a year of global earthquakes 

Rapid population growth in disaster-prone regions concentrates people where recovery after extreme events is costly. Thanks to Japan’s years of planning, preparations, and implementation of resilient building strategies, the country has become adept at mitigating the effects of significant earthquakes.

Study identifies increased threat to coastlines from concurrent heat waves and sea level rises 

Concurrent occurrences of heat waves and extreme short-term sea level rises at the same coastal locations significantly increased between 1998 and 2017 when compared to the preceding 20 years, reports a study published in Communications Earth & Environment. The study also suggests that these events may be five times more likely to occur between 2025 and 2049 under a modeled high emissions scenario.

A new paradigm in Climate Finance 

By embracing an equitable, empowering paradigm, this fund can deliver on international commitments and empower those most affected to forge climate-resilient futures.

The Frontline Scorecard: An Assessment Tool for Climate and Disaster Risk Management in Health Systems 

Health care systems are at the frontline of delivering critical care during emergencies, mitigating illnesses and deaths. Yet many countries struggle to meet even routine demands for health care. Climate change, disasters, pandemics, and demographic changes are bound to increase pressures on already strained health systems.

Spatiotemporal link between El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), extreme heat, and thermal stress in the Asia–Pacific region 

This study evaluated the air temperature and Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) trends between 1990 and 2019 and found significant increasing trends for air temperature for the whole region while the increases of UTCI are not as pronounced and mainly found in the northern part of the region. These results indicate that even though air temperature is increasing, the risks of heat stress when assessed using UTCI may be alleviated by other factors.

Australian Data Strategy 

The Digital Economy Strategy sets out the Government’s goal to position Australia as a leading digital economy and society by 2030 in order to create better jobs; improve transport, communication and innovation, and enable us to provide better services to all Australians from all walks of life. Data is the building block for this digital future, with 176 zettabytes of new data expected to be generated each year by 2025. Some Australian businesses already use data to create new value, streamline processes and optimise value chains.

Local governments climate finance instruments – Global experiences and prospects in developing countries. 

This report aims to contribute to discussions on increasing the access of local governments (LGs) and cities to climate finance and help LGs understand various financing instruments and sources available to them to meet climate investment needs. It organizes these instruments in a conceptual framework and provides information on each, along with case studies presenting international experiences with their use.

The risk of concurrent heatwaves and extreme sea levels along the global coastline is increasing. 

This study finds that 87.73% of coastlines experienced such concurrent extremes during 1979–2017. There is an average increase of 3.72 days in the occurrence during 1998–2017 compared to 1979–1998. Concurrent heatwaves and extreme sea levels could pose a serious threat to coastal communities under climate change; however, the spatiotemporal characteristics and dynamic evolution of them along global coastline remain poorly understood.

Integrating social vulnerability into high-resolution global flood risk mapping. 

The study aims to identify and characterize ‘hotspots’ of flood risk, accounting for spatial variation in social vulnerability, to provide improved insights into the geography of risk and enhance disaster risk planning and response efforts, particularly in lower income countries with limited data or capacity. Exposure to flooding is greatest in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and this is expected to increase because of rapid demographic change.

Impact of climate change on the corrosion of the European reinforced concrete building stock. 

The study provides assessment of the penetration of climate change induced carbonation in the concrete cover of the existing buildings in the EU Member States. It estimates the time for on-set of corrosion due to depletion of the cover of the reinforcement, and evaluates the repair costs under the moderate emissions scenario RCP4.5, and under the extreme scenario RCP8.5.

The AI for Good Global Summit  

The AI for Good Global Summit is the leading action-oriented United Nations platform promoting AI to advance health, climate, gender, inclusive prosperity, sustainable infrastructure, and other global development priorities.

SIDS4 – Investing in Resilience – The Good Business Case for Disaster Risk Reduction in Small Island Developing States 

This event will delve into the vital role of disaster risk reduction in implementing the new programme of action for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), attracting both existing and new partners, and fostering a risk-informed and resilience-focused approach to investment in SIDS.

9th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum 2024) 

The ninth annual Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (STI Forum) will be held from 9 to 10 May 2023. In line with recent mandates and as in previous years, the STI Forum will facilitate discussions on science, technology and innovation cooperation in support of the SDGs.

Finance Innovation Festival – Insurance and Investment Opportunities for Nature-Based Solutions 

The festival aims to bring together various communities involved in climate risk assessment, policy analysis, financial innovation, and advocacy for nature-based solutions.

The Central Asia Climate Change Conference 2024 

In 2024, the Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2024) will delve into critical issues pertaining to water, energy, food security, and environmental sustainability within the context of a climate-affected Central Asia. Participants will be apprised of the progress made by Central Asian countries in climate mitigation and adaptation, including their reporting under the Enhanced Transparency Framework.
