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March 2020: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Title: Dataset after Seven Years Simulating Hybrid Energy Systems with Homer Legacy Author: Alexandre Beluco, Frederico A. During F°, Lúcia M. R. Silva, Jones S. Silva, Lúis E. Teixeira, Gabriel Vasco, Fausto A. Canales, Elton G. Rossini, José de Souza, Giuliano C....

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Data Together COVID-19 Appeal and Actions

2020-03-30: CODATA together with GO FAIR, RDA, and WDS (the four major international data organisations), are pleased to outline their joint commitment to work together to optimise the global research data ecosystem and to identify the opportunities and needs that...

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February 2020: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Title: Impacts and Challenges of ICT Based Scale-up Campaigns: Lessons Learnt from the Use of SMS to Support Maize Farmers in the UPTAKE Project, Tanzania Author: Lucy Karanja, Stephanie Gakuo, Monica Kansiime, Dannie Romney, Henry Mibei, James Watiti, Leonard Sabula,...

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