Second Webinar on IDW 2021 and Call for Sessions
Registration is still open for the second (Europe and Americas friendly time) webinar ‘Introducing International Data Week’ to be held on 4 March UTC 13:00-13:45 (Register here) Please note also that the Call for Sessions for the SciDataCon component of International...
Register Now: Webinar on FAIRness of Services: A Closer Look at the FAIRsFAIR Framework
Date: 19 February 2021 - 10:00 to 13:00 Register here: FAIRsFAIR cordially invites providers of data...
Register now: Webinar on Clearing some of the highest FAIR hurdles: PIDs, Metadata, and Semantic Interoperability for Researchers
Date: 04 February 2021 - 12:00 to 13:30 GMT FAIRsFAIR invites researchers to a presentation of the essential techniques to adopt in making data FAIR. The practicalities of PIDs, semantic interoperability, and metadata of relevance to researchers are documented in D2.4...
January 2021: Publications in the Data Science Journal
Title: Investigation and Development of the Workflow to Clarify Conditions of Use for Research Data Publishing in China Author: Lili Zhang , Robert R. Downs, Jianhui Li, Liangming Wen, Chengzan Li URL: Title:Fostering...
Register now: Webinar on Introducing International Data Week 2021
16 February UTC 08:00-08:45 (Register here) 4 March UTC 13:00-13:45 (Register here) International Data Week (IDW) brings together data scientists, researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers and data stewards from disciplines across the globe to explore...
Register now: Webinar on FAIR services & infrastructure: Proposing an assessment framework for FAIR-enabling data services
Date: 29 January 2021 - 14:00 GMT To realise the full potential of a FAIR ecosystem in which research outputs can be easily shared and optimally reused, we have to look beyond the FAIRification of data and other digital objects and consider the infrastructure and...
Call for Papers on CWFR – Deadline for extended Abstracts: 1. March 2021
Call for Papers for a special issue of the Data Intelligence Journal on "Canonical Workflow Frameworks for Research". It is time to start changing data practices in the labs towards FAIRness and this can be achieved when we introduce "canonical" workflow (snippets)...
Register now: Webinar on Processing Textual Data with Python
Date: Thursday, 4th February 2021 Time: 17:00 – 18:00 GMT Duration: 40 min session and 20 min Question Answers (Total 1 hour) Registration Link: This webinar is co-hosted webinar with the CODATA/RDA Schools...
Register now: A webinar on the Data Management Plan
Date: Wednesday, 20th January 2021 Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 noon GMT Duration: 40 min session and 15 min Question Answers (Total 1 hour) Registration Link: This Webinar is about why we need to embrace...
December 2020: Publications in the Data Science Journal
Title: Investigation and Development of the Workflow to Clarify Conditions of Use for Research Data Publishing in Japan Author: Yasuyuki Minamiyama, Ui Ikeuchi, Kunihiko Ueshima, Nobuya Okayama, Hideaki Takeda URL: Title: Open Data...