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Supporting FAIR Research: Virtual SciDataCon 2021 Strand

In the final week of Virtual SciDataCon 2021, we see the continuation of the strand on Core Interoperability and two new strands.  The first of these covers ’Supporting FAIR Research’, including emerging Research Infrastructure and various activities to support...

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TOMORROW at Virtual SciDatCon 2021 – 21 October 2021

Day Four of Virtual SciDataCon 2021 will be the busiest yet, with four themes over the day: cross-domain case studies as part of the Data for SDGs Strand, the first two sessions on Global Open Science, three sessions on Data in the Earth Sciences, and the first set of...

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TOMORROW: Sustainable Business Modelling for Chemical Standards Development: register for webinar
#codata #FAIRdata #OpenScience #datascience #opendata #datasciencej

M.Brien, R.Duerr,R.Taitingfong,A.Martinez,L.Vera, Lydia L. Jennings,Robert R. Downs,Erin Antognoli,T.Brink,N.Halmai,D.David-Chavez,S.Carroll,M.Hudson,P.Buttigieg Title:Earth Science Data Repositories: Implementing the CARE Principles

Sustainable Business Modelling for Chemical Standards Development: register for webinar 11 July
#codata #FAIRdata #OpenScience #datascience #opendata

June 2024: Publications in the Data Science Journal
#codata #FAIRdata #OpenScience #datascience #opendata #datasciencej

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