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The Role of DDI-CDI in EOSC: Discussion and Next Steps

CODATA, in partnership with the DDI Alliance, is organizing a meeting to explore the findings from "The Role of DDI-CDI in EOSC: Possible Uses and Applications," a report for the European Open Science Cloud Co-Creation Project (

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Major new study funded on the diplomacy of scientific data

2021-05-18: The European Research Council has awarded one of its prestigious advanced grants to Dr. Simone Turchetti of the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM - FBMH). The 2.2-million-euro grant will fund “NEWORLD(at)A - Negotiating...

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CWFR: Virtual Working Meeting on Jupyter Usage

Canonical Workflow Framework for Research CWFR 2 June 2021 at 14.00-16:00 CEST Virtual Working Meeting on Jupyter Usage In case of interest, please, register here: The CWFR initiative  is...

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THE FOUNDING ORGANISATIONS ARE INVITING PROPOSALS TO HOST THE FIFTH EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DATA WEEK IN SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2025. The primary objective of the conference is to bring together a large and representative part of the global data community....

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April 2021: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Title: A Controlled Vocabulary and Metadata Schema for Materials Science Data Discovery Author: Andrea Medina-Smith, Chandler A. Becker, Raymond L. Plante, Laura M. Bartolo, Alden Dima, James A. Warren, Robert J. Hanisch URL: Title:...

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