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terms4FAIRskills Training Materials Browser launched

The FAIRsFAIR project is pleased to announce that a proof-of-concept training materials browser has been developed for use with the terms4FAIRskills terminology by a team from FAIRsFAIR WP6 including CODATA Senior Research Lead, Laura Molloy.   The purpose of this...

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Data to Improve our World in 2022!

The CODATA Secretariat will be taking a break for the end of the year holidays.  We would like to wish you a pleasant and relaxing holiday, however you may be celebrating it. 2021 was another ‘interesting’ year! As a global organisation, our activities have been...

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November 2021: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Title: A Framework for Data-Driven Solutions with COVID-19 Illustrations Author: Kassim S. Mwitondi , Raed A. Said URL: Title: Interconnecting Systems Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans – Hackathon Report Author: João...

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CODATA CASRAI RDM Terminology Working Group

Today saw the first meeting of the 2021 CODATA CASRAI RDM Terminology Working Group.  The working group will be carrying out the 2021 review of the CASRAI Research Data Management terminology, currently available at This...

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