terms4FAIRskills Training Materials Browser launched
The FAIRsFAIR project is pleased to announce that a proof-of-concept training materials browser has been developed for use with the terms4FAIRskills terminology by a team from FAIRsFAIR WP6 including CODATA Senior Research Lead, Laura Molloy. The purpose of this...
ONE MONTH TO GO! Call for Sessions at SciDataCon, part of International Data Week 2022
Proposals are invited for sessions at International Data Week’s SciDataCon 2022: Data to Improve our World. The deadline for proposals is 23:59 UTC on 14 February 2022. Submit your session proposal at https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW-2022/submit/ About SciDataCon...
Expanding Ocean Interoperability – Please Complete a Short Survey – Deadline 18 Jan!
The WorldFAIR Oceans Science Case Study is asking for your help! The Case Study will gather guidance from partners across the project (and any collaborators or colleagues they invite) on how its central use case - the Ocean InfoHub - can best interoperate with...
Call for Nominations and Applications: Chair, CODATA International Data Policy Committee – DEADLINE Monday 17 January 2022
Happy New Year! CODATA would like to remind you of this Call for Nominations or Applications. The deadline falls in one week’s time: Monday 17 January. Please distribute this call widely through your networks and send it to any person that you think is well...
Data to Improve our World in 2022!
The CODATA Secretariat will be taking a break for the end of the year holidays. We would like to wish you a pleasant and relaxing holiday, however you may be celebrating it. 2021 was another ‘interesting’ year! As a global organisation, our activities have been...
Appointment of Director and Deputy Director of the African Open Science Platform
CODATA is delighted that the National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa has announced the appointments of Dr. Tshiamo Motshegwa as Director, and Dr. Nokuthula Mchunu as Deputy-Director of the African Open Science Platform (AOSP). CODATA looks forward very much...
High Level Panel on Future Data Space: How a vision of the internet of FAIR data & Services becomes a reality
Organised by the FAIR Digital Objects Forum, this High Level Panel featuring innovative thinkers and discussants will take place online on 19 January 2022, 13.00 to 17.00 UTC. Register here: https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/92302933025 Large sums of money, and equally great...
November 2021: Publications in the Data Science Journal
Title: A Framework for Data-Driven Solutions with COVID-19 Illustrations Author: Kassim S. Mwitondi , Raed A. Said URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2021-036 Title: Interconnecting Systems Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans – Hackathon Report Author: João...
Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: December 2021 Edition
World Bank: Disaster risk insurance: 5 insights from the Philippines With disasters a growing threat, insurance for countries trying to manage climate and disaster risk is becoming increasingly critical. While insight on what works – and what doesn’t – to build...
CODATA CASRAI RDM Terminology Working Group
Today saw the first meeting of the 2021 CODATA CASRAI RDM Terminology Working Group. The working group will be carrying out the 2021 review of the CASRAI Research Data Management terminology, currently available at https://codata.org/rdm-terminology/. This...