July and August 2022: Publications in the Data Science Journal
Title: Machine Learning Applied for Spectra Classification in X-ray Free Electron Laser Sciences Author: Yue Sun, Sandor Brockhauser URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2022-015 Title: A Critical Literature Review of Historic Scientific Analog Data: Uses, Successes, and...
Launch of the GOSC International Programme Office
We are delighted to announce a launch event of the GOSC IPO, organised by CODATA and the CNIC on 12 October 2022, 12:00-13:30 UTC. The event will be hosted on CODATA Zoom. Registration is required. View recording of the IPO launch event in CODATA Vimeo. Presentation...
LAST CHANCE TO APPLY! 2022 International Training Workshop on Open Science and SDGs: deadline 15 August
The International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals is cooperating with CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence on Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation, CODATA (and in particular its GOSC Initiative) and the Chinese National Committee of CODATA...
Read now: Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: August 2022 Edition
U.S. Senate approves bill to fight climate change, cut drug costs in win for Biden The U.S. Senate on Sunday passed a sweeping $430 billion bill intended to fight climate change, lower drug prices and raise some corporate taxes, a major victory for President Joe Biden...
CODATA Research Data Management Terminology (2022 edition): your feedback requested! Closing date *30 Sep 2022*.
Community feedback on the 2021-22 review of the Research Data Management Terminology is now open – until 30 September 2022. Click here to review and comment! The CODATA Research Data Management Terminology (RDMT) Working Group is delighted to announce that the 2021-22...
Call for Expert Input on a Framework for Digital Public Goods for the SDGs
In preparation for the establishment of a Global Digital Compact in 2023, the United Nations is currently accepting opinions and other input in regards to global digital issues. In his report “Our Common Agenda”, the UN Secretary-General proposed the Global Digital...
June 2022: Publications in the Data Science Journal
Title: Development and Governance of FAIR Thresholds for a Data Federation Author: Megan Wong , Kerry Levett, Ashlin Lee, Paul Box, Bruce Simons, Rakesh David, Andrew MacLeod, Nicolas Taylor, Derek Schneider, Helen Thompson URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2022-013
Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: July 2022 Edition
Data for Disaster Risk Reduction Episode two: Coordination and data management for response to recovery In 2021, Emergency Event Database, the global database on disasters, recorded 432 events related to natural hazards worldwide. The first episode of the podcast...
WorldFAIR: Global cooperation on FAIR data policy and practice – Kick-Off Meeting introduces major new initiative to advance implementation of the FAIR data principles
The WorldFAIR project held a successful kick-off meeting online on 9 June 2022, with representatives from the European Commission and all nineteen participating organisations from Europe and beyond. The WorldFAIR project is a major new global collaboration between...
FAIR Digital Objects Forum: Call for Abstracts, Deadline 10 July
The FAIR Digital Objects Conference 2022, sponsored by the FAIR Digital Objects Forum, will bring together for the first time at this scale key technical, scientific, industry, and science‐policy stakeholders with the aim to boost the development and implementation of...