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General Assembly 2021

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  7. General Assembly 2021

Recordings of the Virtual General Assembly Sessions

15 November 2021

16 November 2021


Results of voting prior to and during the GA

An online voting platform ElectionBuddy was used by the CODATA Secretariat to manage the voting procedure in accordance with the CODATA constitution. Delegates representing the CODATA members, and having the right to vote, were invited to cast their votes prior to the General Assembly and to participate in the live Elections of CODATA ExComm 2021-2023. An independent Teller from the ISC and two outgunning ExComm members, as internal Tellers, witnessed the online voting process.

Approval of the Revision of the National Dues structure

The revision has been approved by 19 out of 22 Delegates with the right to vote on financial matters (Constitution, statute 5.4.d.). Results of the pre-GA vote were presented in the General Assembly session on 15 November, 2021. See the slides deck. 

Approval of Task Groups for 2021-2023

44 of 55 voting Delegates cast their votes on the Proposed Task Groups 2021 – 2023, following the recommendations of the CODATA ExComm. There were 0 abstentions from voting. Results of this pre-GA vote were presented in the General Assembly session on 15 November, 2021. See the slides deck for detailed results per Task Group.

Voting in the Elections of Officers and Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee 2021-2023

Statements from the Candidates in CODATA Election 2021

The invitation to vote was distributed at 11:00 UTC on 14 November and voting closed during the General Assembly session on 15 November. Results have been reviewed by the Tellers witnessing CODATA Elections and and presented to the General Assembly (see the GA session 1 recording). 48 out of 55 voting Delegates submitted the ballot in the Elections with the following results:

  • Candidate for the Secretary General position was approved by 47 Delegates, 1 abstention.
  • Candidate for the Treasurer position was approved by 46 Delegates, 2 abstentions.
  • Candidates for the 10 ExComm Ordinary Members positions were approved by 42 Delegates, 6 abstentions.


Agenda for the General Assembly

15 November 2021, 11:00-14:00 UTC
  • Introduction to the GA, Agenda (B. Mons, 5 min)
    • Reminder of Documentation provided to the Delegates (S. Hodson, 5 min)

Voting and elections slides deck

  • Pre-GA voting results (B. Carroll, 10 min)
    • TG proposals selection
    • National dues structure revision
  • CODATA Elections (moderated by B. Carroll)
    • Short live pitch by the candidates (70 min)
      • Secretary General: Christine Kirkpatrick, USA
      • Treasurer: Steve McEachern, Australia
      • Ordinary Members: Toshihiro Ashino, Japan; Ernie Boyko, Canada; Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Taipei; Richard Hartshorn, IUPAC; Ajit Kembhavi, India; Giri Prakash, USA; Audrey Masizana, Botswana; Virginia Murray, UK; Elena Rovenskaya, Russia; Daisy Selematsela, South Africa.
    • Live vote by those Delegates waiting to cast the votes during the GA
    • Summary of results and welcome new Officers and ExComm members
  • Closing of GA Session 1 & invitation for GA Session 2 (B. Mons, 5 min) 

Side meeting following the GA close: Informal short meeting of outgoing and incoming Officers and ExComm members. 

16 November 2021, 11:00-14:00 UTC


Preparations for the General Assembly

The first day will be primarily dedicated to presentation of the pre-GA voting results and to CODATA elections. The elections will be organised live, via an online platform. Participation of the Delegates on that day is therefore encouraged. 

The day two GA session will be dedicated to updates and interactive discussion with the Delegates and GA participants. Part of the day two agenda will be an open forum for CODATA Members to present topics that may be of interest to the broad community. National Committees, Task and  Working Groups are in particular encouraged to propose a lightning talk, report on activities or a brief discussion. To propose topics for the open forum please complete this brief online form no later than 31 October 2021. Note that the proposed presentations should be ±5 min each.  

The Call for Nominations for two Officer positions (Secretary General and Treasurer) and ten places on the Executive Committee was released on 8 April. The deadline for nominations, by CODATA members, was 12 July following which the Nominating Committee prepared an electoral slate, which was communicated to the Delegates.

The Call for Proposals for new or continuing Task Groups was released on 20 April, the proposals received by 20 July were evaluated by peers and the CODATA Executive Committee. Review results and recommendations of the ExComm were shared with the Delegates.