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South Africa: Data Citation Workshop 2015

South Africa: Data Citation Workshop 2015

The South Africa Data Citation Workshop, named “Data citation as a catalyst for good RDM practices“, was held on the 10th December 2015 at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)Knowledge Commons building (Ulwazi), Pretoria, South Africa.



Inaugural session:

9:00  Welcome, Paul Laughton, Chair: CODATA SA

9:15  An International perspective,
“Science as an open enterprise – looking at the wider context for research data management (RDM) as well as Open Science”, Prof Colin Wright, Department of Science & Technology, Republic of South Africa

9:45  An International perspective,
“The international drive and importance of data citation. RDA Task group as well as any other relevant international initiatives”, Simon Hodson, Executive Director of CODATA

10:15  An International perspective, “CODATA Data Citation Task Team & its outputs”.The citation principles developed, Martie van Deventer, CODATA Data Citation Task Group Member

10:30  A funder perspective, “Research using public funding: The South African case”, Daisy Selematsela, Executive Director: KMC NRF:
(a)    NRF Open Access Statement
(b)    Requirements to be met

11:00  Break

11:30  The national perspective, “NeDICC – Its role and plans for 2016″, Lucia Lötter, Chairperson: NeDICC

11:45  The national perspectiveDIRISA Progress.DIRISA function/ role, Anwar Vahed, Manager, DIRISA:

  • (a) Repository certification: A network of trusted data repositories for South Africa
  • (b) DIRISA repository
  • (c) Encouraging good research practice – also for proper citation
  • (d) National digital object identifier infrastructure
  • (e) Researcher IDs

12:15  An African case study, “$100 is not much to you”: Unseen Barriers in Open Science, Louise Bezuidenhout, University of Exeter and University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (WITS)

12:45 Questions & general discussion

13:00  lunch

The delegate perspective

14:00 Data Citation Workshop discussion:

  • Concerns, success stories. Will data citation really be seen as a reward for the proper management of  research data?

Shared language / Jargon Workshop discussion:

  • Clarification of terms (some examples)
  • Ownership/ Management/ Stewardship
  • Persistent identifiers
  • Open, Embargoed and Restricted access
  • Data centre
  • Preservation
  • DMP / RDM / RDA

Roles and responsibilities Workshop discussion
The RDM role and responsibility of each of the following:

  • Funders
  • Research offices/ officers
  • Libraries
  • Ethics committees
  • IP/ Licensing office
  • The researchers
  • Role/ responsibility for a data center

15:00 Break

Proposed/ Possible solutions:

Roadmap session 1 – A proposed national repositoryAnwar VahedHeila Pienaar, Isak van der Walt:

Institutions have three options when making their research data accessible :
(a) Establish your own managed data repository;
(b) Make use of an established subject / domain repository;
(c) Use DIRISA’s repository (prototype will be demonstrated):

  • Join the planning and development team …
  • Contribute to the requirements document for the repository (including the citation reference/ protocol) and preservation management and infrastructure.
  • Ensure that all repositories could be harvested to allow for a national ‘register’ of South African data sets.

Roadmap session 2 – A proposed national DMP tool, Anwar Vahed, Johann van WykIsak van der Walt:

Institutions could implement/ develop their own Data Management Planning (DMP) tools or collaborate and make use of a reliable national resource:

  • RDM Plans – what are the funder requirements
  • Specify the requirements for a national initiative.

Meeting adjourns, Paul Laughton


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