An African Open Science Platform initiative – Invitation to a series of webinars on “Incentives for sharing research data” 25, 26 and 27 October 2017 (Open Access Week)
The Open Science movement – focused on making research data, software code and experimental methods publicly available and transparent - is steadily gaining momentum. According to Gewin (2016), “[A]a spirit of openness is gaining traction in the science community, and...
Report from the Madagascar High-Level Meeting on Environmental & Scientific Data for Sustainable Development Goals in Developing Countries
From 4-8 September 2017, the African Open Science Platform Project (in collaboration with CODATA and with the Madagascar Ministries of Environment, Ecology and Forests; of Higher Education and Research; of Posts, Telecommunications and Digital Development; and of the...
7th Digital Earth Summit 2018 (DES-2018) 17-19 April, 2018, Morocco – Deadline for abstract submission: 21 October 2017
The 7th Digital Earth Summit 2018 will be a major event in the African and international community of Earth observation and geo-spatial information science in 2018. It will be organized by International Society for Digital Earth...
Disaster Loss Data: Raising the Standard – a white paper
National disaster loss databases are crucial to producing and acting upon risk information that, in turn, advances appropriate policy making and risk governance. They also serve as basic mechanisms for reporting on the Sendai Framework targets. Data collection is...
IDCC call for papers: beyond FAIR
The 13th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) will take place in Barcelona on 19-22nd February 2018. The call for papers is out now and we encourage you to submit work on relevant digital curation, preservation and research data management initiatives. ...
EDDI17 – 9th Annual European DDI User Conference: draft program / registration open
9th Annual European DDI User Conference (EDDI17) DDI - The Basis of Managing the Data Life Cycle Place: Lausanne, Switzerland Date: December 5/6, 2017 Host: FORS - Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences Conference web...
Registrations open: Engaging Researchers in Good Data Management – 15 November at Cambridge
15 November 2017, St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, UK On 15th November, Cambridge University, together with SPARC Europe and JISC, will host a one-day conference sharing the latest thinking as well as good practices around creating and promoting effective RDM...
Save the Date: 19-20 March 2018, Pre-RDA Symposium in Göttingen, ‘The critical role of university RDM infrastructure in transforming data to knowledge’
All over the world universities and libraries have started the task of developing research data services. Ideally such initiatives aim to result in a complete service portfolio covering the entire research lifecycle: support in writing proposals and data management...
International Data Week 2018: The Digital Frontiers of Global Science, 5-8 November 2018, Gaborone, Botswana
The second edition of International Data Week (IDW 2018) will be held on 05-08 November 2018 in Gaborone, Botswana. Hosted by the Botswana Open Science and Open Data Forum, IDW 2018 will bring together data professionals and researchers from all disciplines and from...
Deadline Approaching: Apply for CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science, São Paulo, 4-15 December 2017: Deadline 22 September
Applications are invited to participate in the CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science which will be held at ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil, 4-15 December 2017.Further information about the São Paulo edition of the CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science is...