Hours after the earthquake along the border area between Iraq and Iran at night of Nov 12, 2017, ChinaGEOSS launched the CDDR mechanism (ChinaGEOSS Disaster Data Response) for emergency data response and got quick support from most of China operational satellite agencies and international partners.
An data portal for this event was released at 7:00 am of Nov 14, developed by the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth in CAS. It published the first bundle of data contributed by China National Satellite Meteorological Center, Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology Co.Ltd, Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd and China Center for Resources Satellite Date and Application, with 249 scenes image from 5 satellites. More Chinese high resolution satellites have made special observing plan to get post-disaster damage images as soon as possible. All the data is applied a clear data policy for ChinaGEOSS disaster cooperation.
International user can access these data and related information by the link of http://www.chinageoss.org/IraqEarthQuake2017/en/index.html. According to the normal condition, this call for observing activities will last for about one week and the data service will keep open even after this emergency stage. At this moment, this work has been supported by and collaborated with many international organizations and programmes, such as GEO, AOGEOSS, CODATA, DBAR, WDS, IRDR, APSCO, OpenStreetMap and UNOSAT.
CDDR mechanism has been successfully launched two times for huge natural disaster events around the world and played important role for the disaster reduction, such as NewZealand earthquake at Nov of 2016 and Mexico earthquakes at Sept of 2017. More than 7 Chinese agencies and 12 satellites have been involved in the past activities. It has been regarded as a best practice of GEO-based emergency response for Sendai Framework, paralleling with the government level mechanisms.
As for previous releases relating to the New Zealand and Mexico earthquakes, the CODATA Task Group on Linked Open Data for Global Disaster Risk Research is strongly engaged in this initiative to share essential and timely data for earthquake response and research