CODATA will play a major role in the GO TRAIN Implementation Network
Reproduced from the GO FAIR website On 26 January 2018, more than 20 people attended the GO TRAIN kick-off meeting in Leiden (the Netherlands). GO TRAIN is one of three GO FAIR pillars. Hugh...
CODATA Prospectus, 2015-2017 – and Looking Forward to 2018
The Second Edition (2017) of the CODATA Prospectus provides a brief summary of strategy and achievement in 2015-2017: it lays out CODATA's mission and strategy and provides information about the key activities and outputs that contribute to the realisation of this...
Enriching my Learning by Helping Others at the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Schools
Sara El Jadid has been a student then a helper at the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Schools #DataTrieste and #DataSaoPaulo. She has recently blogged about her experience on the Springer Nature Research Data Blog. The CODATA-RDA School for Research Data Science...
DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 19 FEBRUARY – Session Proposals Invited for International Data Week, 5-8 November, in Gaborone, Botswana
Following a number of requests, the organising committee has agreed to extend the deadline for Session Proposals for SciDataCon to 23.59 UTC on 19 February. Call for Sessions: Click here Submit Session Proposal: Click here International Data Week = SciDataCon...
My Journey Towards Open Science and the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Schools
Marcela Alfaro Córdoba @Fichulina has been a student then a helper at the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Schools #DataTrieste and #DataSaoPaulo. She has recently blogged about her experience on the Springer Nature Research Data Blog. CODATA-RDA Research Data...
The deadline is approaching for Session Proposals for SciDataCon which is an integrated part of International Data Week 2018
International Data Week = SciDataCon and RDA PlenaryInternational Data Week comprises SciDataCon, a conference for research and practice papers addressing all aspects of data in research, and the 12th Plenary Meeting of the Research Data...
Register for IDCC18 in Barcelona – early bird closes 27 January
Beyond FAIR - from principles to practice to global join up 13th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) 19 - 22 February 2018, Barcelona With only a week left until the early bird registration closes, now is the time to sign up...
Deadline approaching: 15 May. Information and applications at
We are pleased to inform you of an upcoming one week summer school for young scientists "Methods of Comprehensive Assessment of Seismic Hazard", to be held at the Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the RAS (Moscow, Russia) on 3-7 July 2017. The School...
Deadline Extended! Call for Papers for ‘Göttingen-CODATA RDM Symposium 2018, 18-20 March 2018’ – Deadline 15 January 2018
DEADLINE EXTENDED! The deadline has been extended to 15 January, 2018 for abstract submissions for papers to be presented at the Göttingen-CODATA Symposium 2018 on ‘the critical role of university research data management infrastructure in transforming data to...
Change of Dates: International Data Week 2018 will take place on 5-8 November, in Gaborone, Botswana
This global data event, coming for the first time to Africa, will now take place on 5-8 November 2018. This decision has been taken in order to avoid clashes with the UN World Data Forum (22-24 October) and the Plenary Meeting of the Group on Earth Observations (31...