The event was attended by 160 research data management experts and professionals from around the globe.
The event was possible thanks to the generous support of the University of Göttingen and the hard work of the programme committee and the local organisers.
Symposium Keynotes
The Symposium featured nine keynote presentations.
- Wolfram Horstmann, University of Göttingen, SUB, The Data Universe at Universities
- Amy Nurnberger, MIT, Libraries tense: future continuous
- Peter Fox, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Setting the scene from a researcher’s point of view
- Michael Witt, Purdue University, Research Data Services at Purdue University: An Institutional Approach
- David Minor, UCSD, Filters and firehorses: reflections on a decade of research data curation
- Lisa Johnston, University of Minnesota Libraries, Rethinking Institutional RDM Strategy: Applying Collaboration to Affect Change in the Research Landscape
- Bob Freeman, Harvard, Dataverse and RDM Opportunities at Harvard
- Tom Cramer, Stanford, Actors, Factors, and Gaps: Managing Data Holistically at Stanford
- Liz Lyon, University of Pittsburgh, Stewardship and Science: Reflections on Data-driven Opportunities for Libraries
The keynote presentatons may be downloaded as a zipped file.
Symposium Thematic Parallel Sessions
Nine parallel sessions tackled the symposium themes listed below. The content of each session may be consulted by means of the links below. All presentations from the symposium may be downloaded as a zipped file (warning c.500MB).
1.1 Institutional Strategies and Solutions 1
2.1 Measuring Success and Changing Culture
3.1 Institutional Strategies and Solutions 2
3.3 Implications of FAIR and Sustainability
Symposium Programme
The full programme for the symposium may be viewed on the conference management site, hosted by Ubiquity Press.
Special Collection in the Data Science Journal
Accepted and commended abstracts have been invited to submit full papers for a Special Collection of the CODATA Data Science Journal on this topic.
Programme Commitee
The programme committee comprised:
- Jan Brase, University of Göttingen
- Simon Hodson, CODATA
- Liz Lyon, University of Pittsburgh
- Devika Madalli, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore
- Michael Witt, Purdue University