IDCC19 full programme announced
The 14th International Digital Curation Conference is going to Melbourne in February 2019 and we have an exciting programme packed with workshops, papers, posters and demos. The theme of the conference is Collaborations and Partnerships: addressing the big digital...
Call for Contributions open for iPRES2019
Be inclusive. Be creative. Be inspiring. And put your eyes on the horizon. This is the full Call for Contributions for the 16th International Conference on Digital Preservation, iPRES 2019. Deadline for all submissions is 18 March 2019. All submissions and...
Feedback Requested on a proposed ‘Open Toolkit for Tracking Open Science Partnership Implementation and Impact’
CODATA would like to draw the communities attention to the following call for feedback on a proposed 'Open Toolkit for Tracking Open Science Partnership Implementation and Impact’. Abstract The article and associated...
North American DDI conference Call for Proposals now open!
The Call for Proposals for the 7th Annual North American Data Documentation Initiative Conference (NADDI). The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an international standard for describing the data produced by surveys and other observational methods in the social,...
New tool for evaluating your RDM offering launches
Institutions now have a new means at their disposal to aid them in assessing their research data management initiatives, the Evaluating RDM Tool. A collaborative creation, the tool was developed using the SPARC Europe How Open is Your Research service and...
Enabling FAIR Data Project and Commitment Statement
The Enabling FAIR Data Project has reached a significant milestone with the announcement of the Commitment Statement reflecting distinct stakeholder perspectives and roles, and defining the goals for the many communities that collectively support open and FAIR data. ...
RDA GEDE Webinar: Interoperability through Digital Objects and Digital Object Interface Protocol
Date: 7.12. 2018 from 14.00-16.00 URL: Speakers Larry Lannom (Vice President CNRI, Virginia): What is it? Dimitris Koureas (Head DISSCO Coordination Team): Why to do it? Christophe Bianchi (Executive Director DONA...
The European Commission Expert Group Report ‘Turning FAIR Into Reality’ has been published
In the context of the launch of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) implementation phase 2018-2020, the European Commission Expert Group Report ‘Turning FAIR Into Reality’ has been published. The Expert Group was chaired by Simon Hodson, Executive Director of...
New CODATA Executive Committee 2018-2020
CODATA’s 31st General Assembly was held at the University of Botswana on Friday 9 November-Saturday 10 November following International Data Week 2018. The General Assembly elected a new President, two new Vice-Presidents and a new Executive Committee.The full list...
A milestone in the history of science based on work of the CODATA, the Committee on Data of the International Science Council
The General Conference of Weights and Measures will meet in Paris to vote on whether to re-define the International System of Units (SI) for the kilogram, ampere, kelvin and mole based on fundamental laws rather than measurement. A unique event in the history of...