Call for Abstracts: 3rd Polar Data Forum – Deadline: 6 September 2019
The Third Polar Data Forum (PDF III) will be hosted by the Finnish Meteorological Institute at their Dynamicum campus in Helsinki from November 18th to 22nd, 2019. PDF III will be a two day conference style meeting in support of information exchange, with the...
Deadline Extended to 2 September : VizAfrica Botswana 2019: CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS AND POSTERS
The VizAfrica 2019 Data Visualization Symposium will take place from 18th -19th November 2019 at the University of Botswana Gaborone, Botswana. The VizAfrica 2019 Symposium Programme Committee is pleased to invite proposals for presentations and posters that present...
Call for Presentations and Posters, Deadline 6 September: CODATA-Helsinki 2019 Workshop on FAIR RDM in Institutions
The CODATA-Helsinki Workshop on FAIR RDM in Institutions will take place at the National Archives of Finland on 20-21 October 2019. It is a collocated event before the 14th RDA Plenary Meeting, Helsinki, Finland. The organisers and programme committee invites...
Registration Now Open for VizAfrica 2019 Botswana – Deadline for Proposals for Presentations and Posters is 19 August
Register Now for VizAfrica 2019 Botswana: Submit proposals for presentations and posters: The VizAfrica 2019 Data Visualization Symposium will take place from 18th -19th November 2019 at...
FAIRsFAIR Workshop: Building the data landscape of the future: FAIR Semantics and FAIR Repositories
Date: 22 October 2019 - 09:00 Location: Espoo, Finland Help us design the data landscape of the future! We're gathering recommendations, features and best practices for FAIR semantic artifacts and data repositories/infrastructures! Register now ► Producing FAIR...
FAIRsFAIR Open Call for Data Repositories
Would you like to get dedicated support for your data repository to contribute to a culture change necessary to achieve wide adoption of FAIR practices within the EOSC and beyond? The FAIRsFAIR project started to work on practical solutions for the use of the FAIR...
The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) invites the digital preservation community around the world to submit nominations for its 2019 edition of the ‘BitList.’
The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is inviting the digital preservation community around the world to submit nominations for its 2019 edition of the ‘BitList.’ The Bit List is the DPC’s Global List of Digitally Endangered Species. Nominations to the BitList are...
EDDI19 – 11th Annual European DDI User Conference: Call for Papers
11th Annual European DDI User Conference (EDDI19), DDI - The Basis of Managing the Data Life Cycle Submission Deadline: September 1, 2019, 23:59 CEST Place: Tampere, Finland Date: December 3/4, 2019 Hosts: Finnish Social Science Data Archive, Tampere...
ONE WEEK TO GO! Deadline for Presentations and Posters for CODATA 2019 Beijing is 8 July
Due to a number of requests from session organisers, we have agreed to extend the deadline for presentation and poster submissions to 8 July. Please note that there will be no further extension. Presentation and Poster Submissions Please submit your proposal for a...
DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 8 JULY – Presentation and Poster Submissions for CODATA 2019 Beijing, 19-20 September
Due to a number of requests from session organisers, we have agreed to extend the deadline for presentation and poster submissions to 8 July. Please note that there will be no further extension. Presentation and Poster Submissions Please submit your proposal for a...