“If you ask us for ideas, act on them” – Youth call out UN, world leaders on climate action
The Youth Climate Action Summit brought youth climate champions together from more than 140 countries and territories to a platform to share their solutions on the global stage, and deliver a clear message to world leaders: we need to act now to address climate change.
Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data – Data for Now Initiative
The Data For Now initiative seeks to increase the sustainable use of robust methods and tools that improve the timeliness, coverage, and quality of SDG data through collaboration and partnership, technical and capacity support, and information sharing.
We could be losing the race against climate change, new UN report says
Scientists behind a landmark study of the links between oceans, glaciers, ice caps and the climate delivered a stark warning to the world on Wednesday: slash emissions or watch cities vanish under rising seas, rivers run dry and marine life collapse.
UNEP FI: Leading Financial Firms Commit to Improved Transparency on the Risks of Climate Change
The Global Commission on Adaption estimates over $7 trillion of climate change-related damages over the next ten years. To respond to these challenges, five leading banks and investors are committing to disclose risks and opportunities for their portfolios from the impacts of climate change by 2021.
UK Government: UK Aid to protect one billion people form impact of extreme weather
A new £175 million package will help make people safer and better prepared for disasters such as typhoons and hurricanes, as well as dealing with the aftermath.
Artificial Intelligence May Help Predict El Niño
Professor Yoo-Geun Ham and collaborators created a model using deep learning that forecasts El Niño and La Niña events 18 months in advance, beating current models that forecast only 1 year ahead.
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