UN World Data Forum Session: Multi-Stakeholder Data Bridges II – Making data work for cross-domain grand challenges
CODATA and partners are convening a virtual session at the UN World Data Forum, 13:00-14:00 UTC on Monday 4 October. Registration for the UN World Data Forum (free): https://whova.com/portal/registration/unwdf_202110/ UN WDF...
Register now: Webinar on Demonstration and hands-on workshop on a bioclimatic design toolkit – PyClim
Topic for the day: Sustainable Architectural design practices Date: 4th October 2021 Time: 12:00 pm UK time, 4:30 pm IST Duration: 45 min introduction and demonstration, 15 min break, 30 hands-on session and 10 min feedback session (Total 1:50 hour) Registration...
Virtual SciDataCon 2021 – Registration Open!
CODATA and WDS are pleased to announce that the REGISTRATION IS OPEN for Virtual SciDataCon 2021. Registration is free. Please note that you will need to register separately for each session you wish to attend. The programme at a glance may be viewed at...
A Live Webinar On: Big Data & the Square Kilometer Array (Ska) Telescope on Tuesday, 21 September 2021
When: TUESDAY, 21 SEPT. 2021 at 4:00 PM India time Where: Zoom and YouTube Astronomy is facing a tsunami of new data as a slew of new telescopes come online within this decade. Within these vast datasets, astronomers will search for rare objects (needles in the...
Deadline Extended: CODATA Connect – Data Science Journal Early Career Essay Competition 2021, Apply by 13 September 2021
The CODATA Connect Early Career and Alumni Network in collaboration with the CODATA Data Science Journal (DSJ) is pleased to announce its second Essay Competition for Early-Career Researchers (ECR). The competition is open to all ECRs, defined as a university...
Virtual SciDataCon 2021 Programme Published
CODATA and WDS are pleased to announce that the programme for the fully Virtual SciDataCon 2021 has now been published: https://www.scidatacon.org/virtual-2021/programme/ Virtual SciDataCon 2021 will run in a series of sessions from Mon 18 October to Thu 28 October....
DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 31 JANUARY 2022: Call for Proposals to Host International Data Week 2025
In consideration of revised timescales, and to better allow for the preparation of proposals, the founding organisations have decided to extend the call for proposals to 31 January 2022. THE FOUNDING ORGANISATIONS ARE INVITING PROPOSALS TO HOST THE FIFTH EDITION OF...
Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: September 2021 Edition
IPCC Report: 10 Innovative ways people around the world are tackling climate change The IPCC report said global warming of about 1.1 degrees Celsius has brought changes worldwide, from droughts and storms to melting glaciers. But it is not too late to cut...
August 2021: Publications in the Data Science Journal
Title: On the Application of Principal Component Analysis to Classification Problems Author: Jianwei Zheng, Cyril Rakovski URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2021-026 Title: Research Data Management Challenges in Citizen Science Projects and Recommendations for Library...
DSJ announces New Joint Editor-in-Chief
CODATA is pleased to welcome Matthew Mayernik as Joint Editor-in-Chief of the Data Science Journal, joining Mark Parsons who has been Editor- in-Chief since 2019. Beginning 1 September, Matt and Mark will work as co-equals to collaborate around the duties of...