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COSMOS Conference Replay

Did you miss COSMOS (Conference On Smart Metadata for Official Statistics)?  The videos from COSMOS are now available, including a keynote from Mercè Crosas, Head of Computational Social Sciences at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, and CODATA President. The first...

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Join us in Brisbane, the sunny capital, for IDW 2025!

View this email in your browser Join us in Brisbane, the sunny capital, for IDW 2025! The International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA) and World Data System (WDS), and the Research Data Alliance (RDA), are delighted to announce International Data Week...

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G’day! Welcome to IDW 2025

View this email in your browser G’day! Welcome to IDW 2025 The International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA) and World Data System (WDS), and the Research Data Alliance (RDA), are delighted to announce International Data Week 2025 will take place for the...

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Call for Data Science Journal editorial board members

The CODATA Data Science Journal (DSJ) is seeking new members for its editorial board. For more than 20 years, DSJ has been a peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal, publishing papers on the management, dissemination, use and reuse of research data and...

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New in CODATA Data Science Journal: Saad Belefqih, Ahmed Zellou, Mouna Berquedich Title: Semantic Schema Extraction in NoSQL Databases using BERT Embeddings #codata #FAIRdata #OpenScience #datascience #opendata #datasciencej

New in CODATA Data Science Journal: Saad Belefqih, Ahmed Zellou, Mouna Berquedich Title: Global Open Research Commons: Semantic Schema Extraction in NoSQL Databases using BERT Embeddings
#codata #FAIRdata #OpenScience #datascience #opendata #datasciencej

New in CODATA Data Science Journal:Andrew Treloar,Charles Joseph Woodford Title:Global Open Research Commons:Creating an International Model for Improved Interoperability and Collaboration
#codata #FAIRdata #OpenScience #datascience #opendata #datasciencej

New in CODATA Data Science Journal:Lincoln Sherpa,Valentin Khaydarov,Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn Title:FAIRness Along the Machine Learning Lifecycle Using Dataverse in Combination with MLflow
#codata #FAIRdata #OpenScience #datascience #opendata #datasciencej

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