This is a CODATA-DDI Alliance webinar for the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Decade of Data celebrations!
It is widely accepted that the FAIR data principles highlight the importance of metadata. The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) community has decades of experience in supporting data production and reuse within the social, behavioural, and economic sciences through the publication and use of detailed, machine-actionable metadata specifications. This webinar explores the lessons that have been learned over that time, and how these lessons can be applied more broadly in the context of FAIR data sharing.
The importance of granular metadata to data management practices is clear, but increasingly the ability to leverage metadata in an active capacity – to drive production, management, and dissemination – is growing in importance. With the advent of FAIR, the need for cross-domain exchange of metadata is also growing, and the DDI specifications are evolving to meet that need. More than ever, alignment and coordination among metadata standards and models is needed. This webinar looks at how granular, active metadata can better support research data management both within and across domains, and should be of interest to a broad set of the groups working in the Research Data Alliance (RDA).
Speakers: Simon Hodson (CODATA), Amber Leahey (Scholars Portal, Ontario Council of University Libraries), Christophe Dzikowski (INSEE), Arofan Gregory (CODATA/DDI Alliance), joined by Connie Clare (Research Data Alliance).
View presentation slides here.
The edited chat transcript is here.
Data Privacy Statement for participants is here.
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