WMO launches E-learning platform for hazard alerts
WMO has developed a set of E-learning resources and courses for the Common Alerting Protocol, which is an internationally-recognized standard for dissemination of warnings of extreme weather hazards to the public and to disaster management authorities.
COVID-19: Strengthening business resilience through peer-to-peer support
Almost three months after the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Americas and the Caribbean, data is showing how deeply the private sector has been affected, as some businesses are being forced to close while others are struggling to continue operating due to limitations in markets and supply chains.
How the World Bank is Mitigating the Impacts of COVID-19 in the Health Sector
The World Bank Group has been helping client countries respond to the global health, social, and economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. The scale and speed of the response has been critical in helping countries mitigate the adverse impacts of the crisis and prioritise the human capital investments that can accelerate recovery. Broadly, these operations focus on three priority areas.
Gender lens essential to addressing linked climate change and security crises urges joint UN report
A new report by the UNEP, UN Women, the UNDP, and the UNDPPA reveals the close links between gender, climate, and security, and shows that women on the frontlines of climate action are playing a vital role in conflict prevention and sustainable, inclusive peace.
Global partnership urges stronger preparation for hot weather during COVID-19
As the Northern Hemisphere enters what is expected to be another record-breaking heat season, a global network of health and climate experts supported by WMO have called for stronger preparation to keep people safe in hot weather without increasing the risk of the spread of COVID-19.