WMO launches E-learning platform for hazard alerts
WMO has developed a set of E-learning resources and courses for the Common Alerting Protocol, which is an internationally-recognized standard for dissemination of warnings of extreme weather hazards to the public and to disaster management authorities.
COVID-19: Strengthening business resilience through peer-to-peer support
Almost three months after the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Americas and the Caribbean, data is showing how deeply the private sector has been affected, as some businesses are being forced to close while others are struggling to continue operating due to limitations in markets and supply chains.
How the World Bank is Mitigating the Impacts of COVID-19 in the Health Sector
The World Bank Group has been helping client countries respond to the global health, social, and economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. The scale and speed of the response has been critical in helping countries mitigate the adverse impacts of the crisis and prioritise the human capital investments that can accelerate recovery. Broadly, these operations focus on three priority areas.
Gender lens essential to addressing linked climate change and security crises urges joint UN report
A new report by the UNEP, UN Women, the UNDP, and the UNDPPA reveals the close links between gender, climate, and security, and shows that women on the frontlines of climate action are playing a vital role in conflict prevention and sustainable, inclusive peace.
Global partnership urges stronger preparation for hot weather during COVID-19
As the Northern Hemisphere enters what is expected to be another record-breaking heat season, a global network of health and climate experts supported by WMO have called for stronger preparation to keep people safe in hot weather without increasing the risk of the spread of COVID-19.

How can El Niño long-range warning systems provide real benefits?
Can the impacts of drought be minimised with an effective long-range warning system (LRWS)?
SDSN TReNDS Releases New Report on Data Sharing Agreements and Cross-Sector Data Collaboration
COVID-19 has generated new data demands and increased cross-sector data collaboration. Yet, these data collaborations require careful planning and evaluation of risks and opportunities. Data sharing agreements (DSAs) are written agreements that establish the terms for how data are shared between parties and are important for establishing accountability and trust. In a new report, Laying the Foundation for Effective Partnerships: An Examination of Data Sharing Agreements, SDSN TReNDS reviews their online library of DSAs and consider how six major issues, including data use, access, breaches, proprietary issues, publicisation of the analysis, and deletion of data are addressed in the agreements.
WWF – COVID-19: Urgent Call to Protect People and Nature
COVID-19: Urgent Call to Protect People and Nature shows that the key drivers for the emergence of zoonotic diseases are land-use change, expansion and the intensification of agriculture and animal production, and the consumption of high-risk wildlife. WWF urges governments, companies and individuals to tackle these key drivers and so create a healthier world for people and our planet.
Working with the environment to protect people: UNEP’s COVID-19 response
In this report, the UN Environment Programme lays out how it is adjusting its work in response to COVID-19 through supporting nations and partners to “build back better”.
UNDRR: Monitoring the Implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030: A Snapshot of Reporting for 2018
This report outlines how Member States are monitoring their implementation of the Sendai Framework. It is for the first time that an analysis is being published of the data that Member States have shared as part of the official global indicator system of the Sendai Framework comprising the seven targets and 38 indicators.

TechWeek Festival – Smart Resilient Cities: Cast and Converse (28 July + 30 July)
The Smart Resilient Cities Cast and Converse series is a share, learn, and networking opportunity to launch conversations about the macro trends and social innovations that are shaping our increasingly digital urban environments. There are two sessions focussing on Technology for Public Good – Session 1. Networking cities in a changing world: Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics (BDA) + Session 2. What’s the potential for an Earthquake early-warning (EEW) system in Aotearoa, New Zealand?
Webinar – July 12 – July 15: 45th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop
The 45th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, will look at how we can maintain hope in this era of environmental extremes and how our communities can set an agenda for a resilient future.
Webinar: Climate risks and TCFD implementation: Focus on Middle East and Africa
This two-part webinar organised by UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) will explore climate risks and opportunities, including the significance and impact of climate risks on financial institutions, with a focus on Middle East and Africa. Further, the webinar will cover a deep-dive on implementation of the Task-Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. This is the first part of a series of UNEP FI webinars on climate risks and TCFD for Middle East and Africa.
Deadline extended to 31 July 2020: Essay Competition: Open Data Challenges to Address Global and Societal Issues
The first of its kind, CODATA Connect Early Career and Alumni Network in collaboration with the CODATA Data Science Journal (DSJ) is organising an Essay Competition for Early Career Researchers (ECR), defined as university undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate students or early career researchers within five years of completing their highest qualification.
CODATA Webinar: Publishing your Data with an Excellent Supplementary Article
The good old scientific article has served us for ages, but is unreadable for machines. We still need it, but its role is now more and more a form of rich, human-readable metadata to the data created and interpreted and leading to some scientific claims in the article. Publishing data as ‘supplementary to an article’ is not considered good practice in the new FAIR world of Open Science and therefore the mindset should change and that change should be rewarded to more dynamic and machine-readable scholarly communication.
Webinar: Is this drought normal? How EO data can help you understand drought hazard and benchmark your risk
Drought is one of the main natural causes of agricultural, economic, and environmental damage. The effects of drought on the environment and agriculture are evident after a long period with a shortage of precipitation, making it very difficult to determine the onset of drought, its extent and end. This webinar will present how Earth Observation data with different spatial and temporal resolution can provide information on drought events.