Last week, Alex de Sherbinin and Paola Kim-Blanco, both from the CODATA Global Roads Data Development Task Group and CIESIN at Columbia University, attended the State of The Map US, the annual conference of OpenStreetMap, held at the United Nations headquarters, in New York City on 6-7 June.
“State of the Map US represents an annual confab of OpenStreetMap (OSM) mapping enthusiasts, with representatives from 41 countries present. OSM has had impressive growth in coverage and detail in the decade since its launch, and is increasingly being seen as an authoritative data source, much as Wikipedia has rivaled traditional encyclopedias for content and currency […]”
In this important OpenStreetMap meeting, the CODATA Global Roads Task Group presented a lightning talk on ‘Validation and Assimilation of OSM Data for the Global Roads Open Access Data Set’ and organized a breakout group on the same topic.
Read more about the report on #SOTMUS 2015 by Alex de Sherbinin, (chair of the CODATA Roads Task Group)