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China: Past achievements

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The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) joined CODATA in 1984 as a national member and organized the Chinese National Committee for CODATA (CN-CODATA or CODATA-China), which is comprised of 24 members from the CAS, related Ministries, Universities and Commissions. Acad Yaping Zhang, the vice president of CAS, is the Chairman of the CN-CODATA.


In 2019, CODATA Annual International Academic Conference was held in Beijing.

In 2019, International Workshop on Open Science Data Policy and Practice was held in Beijing.

In 2019, the 6th Chinese Scientific Data Conference themed “Scientific data and major research infrastructure” was held in Guiyang, Guilin Province.

In 2019, the 5th training courses for developing countries was held, 25 talents from 18 countries were shortlisted and trained. (In total 750 applicants.)


In 2018, the 5th Chinese Scientific Data Conference with the theme “Scientific Data and Artificial Intelligence” was held in Heihe, Heilongjiang Province.


In 2017, the 4th Chinese Scientific Data Conference on the theme “Scientific Data and National Science & Technology Programs” was held in Kunming, Yunnan Province.

In 2017, an international workshop on Open Scientific Data in the Era of Big Data was held, 20 talents from 15 countries participated.


In 2016, CODATA-China continued with the now annual ‘Scientific Data Conference’ and with a further edition of the Data Science Training for Researchers from Developing Countries, held in Beijing.

  • 3rd Scientific Data Conference, Shanghai, China, 25-26 August, 2016
  • International Training Workshop for Developing Countries on Big Data for Science, 4-15 July 2016


2015 was another important and active year for CODATA-China.


CODATA-China was extremely active in 2014.  Below are links to notable achievements of that year:

2012 and earlier

Below are links to past achievements of CODATA-China before 2012 in particular categories:

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Page last updated: 2022-02-16