Day 2 of International Data Week will begin at 8:30 local time with the third plenary session titled Research Transparency, Accountability, and Reproducibility. Dr. Mai Har Sham and Dr. In Jae Lee, experts in research ethics, will speak on the following topics:
- Working with overlapping guidelines associated with research, including human and environmental ethics, research integrity, responsible research and innovation, access and benefit sharing, and various aspects of openness;
- Creating access to publications, methods, and data critical for lowering rates of duplication and critical for establishing that research is reproducible;
- Focusing on what is required to create a research environment that upholds transparency and accountability and focusing on the link between open data and reproducibility.
Then, at 9:30, SciDataCon Parallel sessions will include the following titles:
- 20 Years of Data Science – an Assessment
- AI & Reproducibility, Repeatability, and Replicability
- GOSC Data IO: Landscape Study and Case Studies in Data Interoperability
- Sampling Nature for Science and Society
- Digital Unit Representation Systems and their Use in Infrastructure
- Where are the vocabularies that make environmental datasets FAIR?
- Data Visualization Facilitating Understanding for Decision Makers and Larger Audience
At 11:30 RDA will start the second set of RDA Plenary breakout sessions. The titles are:
- Physical Samples and Collections in the Research Data Ecosystem IG: Harmonising Citations, Acknowledgments and Credit for Physical Samples/Specimens in Scholarly Publications
- Research Data Architectures in Research Institutions IG: Bringing Together Data Management and Computation – Social and Architectural Challenges
- Early Career and Engagement IG: Early Careers’ engagement: supporting data conversations and capacity building
- BoF – Complex Data Citations: Formulating a Community Recommendation
- FAIR for Virtual Research Environments WG: How should VREs enable FAIR – and what are the challenges?
- Sensitive Data IG: A shared understanding of Sensitive Data: an update on current progress and looking to future work
- BoF – Defining, managing, and reporting dataset quality in a multidisciplinary Open Data space.
After lunch at 14:00, RDA will continue with their third Plenary Breakout sessions that include:
- BoF – Research Data Spaces Taxonomy
- Science communication for research data IG: Science communication for research data
- Vocabulary Services IG: What is going on in VSSIG?
- Data policy standardisation and implementation IG: Data Policy IG: Exploring features and improving standards for data availability statements
- Social Science Research Data IG: Social Science IG Plenary meeting – progress so far and directions for future activity
- BoF – Electronic Laboratory Notebooks | Challenges and steps to solutions
- Data Discovery Paradigms IG: Searching for connections: Data search, web search and literature search
- IG FAIR Principles for Research Hardware: FAIR Principles for Research Hardware (FAIR4RH)
- Blockchain Applications in Health WG: Blockchain applications for health data marketplaces
The virtual poster session will take place at 15:30.
SciDataCon sessions will follow at 16:00 and will include these titles:
Finally, the day will finish with the Plenary: State of Open Science Globally. In alignment with the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, this panel of experts will discuss:
- How can we bridge the gap between different science policies? What can be done to support different stakeholders?
- What is the direct role of data to support open science? What progress has been made and what are the challenges?
Check the Whova app for locations at Seoul Dragon City and for the zoom links for each session.