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Welcome onboard to Nina Grau (she/her), who has recently joined the CODATA team

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Throughout her academic career, she has worked on a wide range of multidisciplinary and multicultural projects. She believes that the success of these projects relies on the effective and efficient exchange of information and knowledge among each team member. As she often says, “Science is like alpinism: to succeed in this journey, everyone must understand what others are doing and where they are headed. This is how you recognise a good alpine guide – they clearly communicate each step and keep everyone informed of any changes”. Never tried alpinism? Don’t worry, neither has she. The key takeaway is that she is passionate about connecting people through accessible knowledge and data. This is why she naturally joined the CODATA team, whose mission is “Connecting data and people to advance science and improve our world”.

Take a moment to explore CODATA’s philosophy and strategies by visiting our mission page. Also, be sure to check out our incredible team on the Secretariat members page, where you can find out more about how we are addressing these important challenges.

One of Nina’s key missions at CODATA, will be to her work on the RDA TIGER project. RDA TIGER is a European-funded initiative aimed at providing services that facilitate and support Working Groups between key European and international initiatives. The goal is to concretely align, harmonize and standardize Open Science developments and technologies on a global scale. Nina will oversee the RDA TIGER Landscape and Engagement Work Package, which focuses on providing knowledge of the overall global Open Science landscape and engagement of identified key partners for developing WGs. She will also be providing facilitation for three RDA WGs:

In this role, she will serve as the main point of contact between these WGs and the wider RDA TIGER project.

If you’d like to learn more about CODATA’s contribution to the RDA TIGER project, please visit our dedicated webpage.