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Webinar presenting results of global consultation by UNESCO and CODATA: Developing data policies for crisis facilitated by open science

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Shaping Resilient Futures: Open Science and Data Policies for Crisis Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

Webinar presenting the results of UNESCO’s global consultation on developing data policies for crisis situations facilitated by open science

Thursday 16 January 2024, 12:00 to 13:30 UTC; 13:00 to 14:30 CET

Registration link 


The escalating frequency and severity of health emergencies, natural hazards, disasters, and geopolitical crises underscore the critical need for evidence-based approaches to preparedness, response, and recovery. These crises have far-reaching humanitarian impacts, disrupting lives and livelihoods worldwide and necessitating coordinated, timely interventions across local, national, regional, and global levels.

In response, UNESCO has partnered with CODATA to explore how the principles of open science, as articulated in the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, can inform the development of effective policies for data collection, analysis, and sharing during crises. This initiative aligns with existing international frameworks and policies, emphasising the role of open science in fostering resilient and reliable data.

As part of this effort, the UNESCO-CODATA Data Policies for Times of Crisis Facilitated by Open Science (DPTC) project has produced practical resources, including a factsheet, a guidance document, and a checklist. These tools, integrated into the UNESCO Open Science Toolkit, are designed to facilitate the implementation of the UNESCO Open Science Recommendation and empower stakeholders to adopt robust data practices for crisis management.

This webinar will present key findings from UNESCO’s global consultation on crisis data policies and showcase the resources developed to support open, transparent, and reliable data governance in times of crisis.


The webinar aims to showcase the contributions of the global consultation to the deliverables of the UNESCO-CODATA DPTC project, including the following:

Participants will gain insights into the outcomes of UNESCO’s global consultation, launched in October 2024, which gathered scientific and technical feedback to ensure these resources are both practical and effective in addressing real-world crisis management challenges.




Time Topic Speaker
13:00 Welcome Ana Persic, UNESCO
Simon Hodson, CODATA

Establishing a collaborative approach for developing data policies for times of crisis facilitated by open science


Virginia Murray, CODATA
13:15 A summary of four illustrative case studies

1.        COVID-19 and the IHR

2.        Türkiye earthquake

3.        Floods in Australia

4.        Tracking displaced children in Ukraine



Virginia Murray, CODATA

Burcak Basbug Erkan, CODATA

Jacqueline Stephens, CODATA

Ingvill Constanze Ødegaard, CODATA


Summary of the DPTC project deliverables

  • A factsheet for developing data policies for times of crisis facilitated by open science
  • A guidance for the development of data policies for times of crisis facilitated by open science
  • A checklist for developing data policies for times of crisis facilitated by open science
Francis P. Crawley, CODATA

Summary of the feedback from the global consultation


Ana Persic, UNESCO
Virginia Murray, CODATA


Feedback from the discussants to build our collaboration

Francis P. Crawley, CODATA

Next steps and closing


Virginia Murray, CODATA

14:30 End of the webinar