The Data for Policy conference series is the premier global forum for multiple disciplinary and cross-sector discussions around the theories, applications and implications of data science innovation in governance and the public sector.
Convening for the sixth time from 14-16 September 2021, this year’s conference will recognise the additional focus on data throughout the whole of society as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the opportunities this creates for learning about and developing data and policy interactions.
The Call for Papers and Panel Session Proposals is currently open, and the deadline is 25 March 2021. They are accepting full paper submissions, and all submissions will also be considered for potential post-conference publication in their partner journal, Data & Policy (subject to peer-review).
They are planning for a physical event, and they hope that presenters will be able to join them in person. However, they would like to reassure you that they understand that this may be difficult, or even impossible, and they will adapt the conference proceedings accordingly to accommodate virtual presentations where necessary.
They’re also pleased to announce an additional Special Track for this year’s conference, entitled ‘Systemic engagement: Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and the design challenge of inclusion, sustainability, and data ownership‘, chaired by Ronit Purian and Avi Cohen.
For further information, and full instructions on how to submit, visit their website.
Contacts: For all questions related to conference submissions, please contact; and for questions relating to publication in Data & Policy, please contact