The WorldFAIR project webinar series: Presenting Project Outputs
The WorldFAIR Project sets out to produce recommendations, interoperability frameworks and guidelines for FAIR data assessment. We are launching a webinar series aiming to promote and discuss all published and upcoming reports and outputs from the project’s 11 case studies representing a wide range of sciences, communities and challenges, with global geographical coverage. The reports will be presented in thematic groups, with events running from May 2023 to May 2024. They webinars are free to attend. The full schedule of confirmed webinars is available on the WorldFAIR website. More dates will be added in due course.
Opening session to the webinar series: The WorldFAIR Project within the European and International Landscape
26 May 2023, 13:00 UTC
The WorldFAIR project is a unique initiative funded by the European Commision and encompassing a wide range of international partners and initiatives. This webinar organised by the project’s Communications team will present the project and the upcoming webinar schedule. Our speakers will address how other current initiatives such as EOSC Future and RDA TIGER can complement and support its activities and present the project’s positioning within the European Commission’s international strategy as well as within the global data landscape. Speakers include Simon Hodson (CODATA Executive Director and Coordinator of the WorldFAIR Project), Hilary Hanahoe (RDA Secretary General), Javier López Albacete (Policy Officer, EC), and Ari Asmi (Director, RDA Association AISBL). Register here.