Session proposals are invited for SciDataCon 2016: Advancing the Frontiers of Data in Research, which will take place in Denver, Colorado, USA on 11-13 September 2016 as part of International Data Week, 11-17 Sept 2016.
SciDataCon 2016 seeks to advance the frontiers of data in all areas of research. This means addressing a range of fundamental and urgent issues around the ‘Data Revolution’ and the recent data-driven transformation of research and the responses to these issues in the conduct of research.
Session Proposals are invited on the SCiDataCon2016 website
Deadline is midnight UTC on 7 March 2016.
SciDataCon 2016: Advancing the Frontiers of Data in Research.
The theme of this landmark event is ‘From Big Data to Open Data: Mobilising the Data Revolution’. As such, International Data Week will bring together data scientists, researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, policy makers and data stewards to explore how best to exploit the data revolution to improve our knowledge and benefit society through data-driven research and innovation.
Organised by CODATA, the Committee on Data of the International Council of Science (ICSU), the ICSU World Data System and the Research Data Alliance (RDA), IDW will take place at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel.
SciDataCon 2016 website (themes and scope of the conference, call for session proposals).