We are delighted to publish the draft programme for SciDataCon
2016: http://www.scidatacon.org/site/programme/ – withoptions for viewing in a full window or for downloading the spreadsheet.There will be seven parallel tracks spread over two days (Mon 12 and Tue 13 Sept) and a total of 56 sessions, as well as two dedicated poster sessions.
Details of keynotes and the opening session on the evening of Sunday 11 Sept will be provided soon, as will the final interactive programme full session descriptions and abstracts.
Have you made your plans for SciDataCon and International Data Week?
If you want to join us, please register as soon as possible at https://www.cmpinc.net/idw/registration.aspx – please note that the early bird rate will end on 8 August.Accommodation
The room block at the conference venue hotel, the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel is running out quickly and will expire on 26 August. Please book soon so as not to be disappointed: https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/events/start.action?id=1601114332&key=19A253ABSciDataCon 2016 and International Data Week
SciDataCon is part of International Data Week, which will be a major, landmark gathering of the data community and which features a number of exciting events.
- Sun 11 Sept: CODATA General Assembly, https://www.codata.org/news/120/62/General-Assembly-Announcement-2016; WDS Members Forum, https://www.icsu-wds.org/events/wds-events/wds-members-forum-2016
- Mon 12-Tue 13 Sept: SciDataCon 2016, a research conference on data issues: see http://www.scidatacon.org/site/programme/ for the draft programme
- Wed 14 Sept: International Data Forum, keynotes and discussion on ‘DATA FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD: RESPONSIBILITIES, OPPORTUNITIES AND DANGERS IN A DATA-AWARE SOCIETY’: http://www.internationaldataweek.org/International-data-forum
- Thu 15-Sat 17 Sept: RDA 8th Plenary Meeting: http://www.internationaldataweek.org/programme/rda-8-plenary