March 20, 2017
Beckman Center, Huntington Room
100 Academy Way,
Irvine, CA 92617
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is holding a one-day meeting and webcast on data science post-secondary education on March 20, 2017. This meeting will bring together data scientists and educators to discuss how to define and strengthen existing data science programs and how to best engage and retain data science students.
This event is the second of an ongoing series of roundtable meetings that will take place approximately four times per year. This roundtable is organized by the Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics in conjunction with the Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications, the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, and the Board on Science Education.
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Event Webcast
During the event, we encourage webcast participants to send questions for the speakers to Ben Wender at, who will read them out if time permits.
#DataScienceEducation @theNASEM