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REGISTRATION OPEN: GOSC DataIO Webinar on the emerging Core Interoperability Framework, 31 March

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The GOSC (Global Open Science Cloud initiative) and other activities in the ISC CODATA Decadal Programme ‘Making Data Work for Cross-Domain Grand Challenges’, are addressing topics around large-scale data interoperability across domain and institutional boundaries. This presentation covers some important activities under the Decadal Programme in this regard, with the idea that they might also prove useful for consideration within a GOSC frame. Development efforts toward a Core Interoperability Framework are central to many of these activities.

The Core Interoperability Framework (CIF) is an emerging idea for a set of guidelines around domain-agnostic standards for supporting the implementation of interoperability and reusability of FAIR data, especially across domain- and institutional boundaries. While the FAIR Digital Object Framework (FDOF) promises to enable applications to find data and metadata objects of interest, and to locate their metadata schemas, it does not by itself guarantee interoperability. The Core Interoperability Framework would provide a list of standards in a range of functional roles to support the next level of interoperability, but giving domains the “lingua franca” against which to map domain-specific standards and ontologies. Such standards as, DCAT, SKOS, PROV-O, DDI-CDI, and I-ADOPT are being suggested. The functional roles include the description of units and measurements, the relation of variables to concepts and consistent descriptions of data structure.  The work around the Core Interoperability Framework is based on practical use-cases, and has been slowly growing out of various activities conducted under CODATA’s Decadal Programme. It is still in early stages, but reflects an emerging consensus among many of the participants in this endeavour.

This event is intended for GOSC Data Interoperability Working Group, the GOSC initiative more broadly, and any other interested parties. We will outline the current thinking about the Core Interoperability Framework, and describe how it will be further explored in the WorldFAIR project and through other case studies.  Time will be accorded to discussion in order to gather feedback and identify areas for collaboration and further work.

The event will be run twice to maximise the possibility of attendance at times that may be convenient for different timezones.

REGISTER: GOSC DataIO Webinar on the emerging Core Interoperability Framework 1, 13:00 UTC, Thu 31 March:

REGISTER: GOSC DataIO Webinar on the emerging Core Interoperability Framework 2, 21:00 UTC, Thu 31 March: