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Register now: Data Interoperability in China: practice and challenges (A GOSC DataIO Webinar) – 10 October 2022

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The next webinar organised by the Global Open Science Cloud WG on Data Interoperability will take place on Monday 10 October at 12:00-13:30 UTC.  Our speaker, Lianglin Hu, will explore work on interoperability undertaken by major Chinese data platform activities.

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Data Interoperability in China: practice and challenges 

The Chinese Academy of Sciences, the highest academic institution of natural sciences in China, started the exploration of sharing of scientific data in 1986, and continues to this day. In 2002, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) launched some pilot projects on national science and technology infrastructure platform which included scientific data.  Seventeen years later, in 2019, MOST established 20 national scientific data centers. In China’s scientific data explorations represented by these two major initiatives, data interoperability is an important challenge that cannot be avoided. In this presentation, we will present the practice and progress on data interoperability in China, and the challenges faced in the future, especially the data application of multi-disciplinary integration and the exchange of scientific data with other countries through the Global Open Science Cloud (GOSC).

Lianglin Hu is the professor of Computer Network Information Center (CNIC),Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Vice director of Scientific Data Center of CNIC, the director of National Basic Science Data Center, the Secretary-General of CODATA China, the a co-chair of CODATA Data Ethics Working Group, and also the secretary of CODATA GOSC Data interoperability working group. His work focus on the research and practice of scientific data governance, open sharing and application.