Spanning research, government and industry, this 2-day hybrid event will offer opportunities to discuss approaches to using, developing, publishing and maintaining vocabularies.
Date and time
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 9:00 AM – Wed, 15 Nov 2023 5:00 PM AEDT
In-person and online. ANU Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS), 146 Ellery Crescent Acton, ACT 2601 Australia
Register now
About the Event
Following on from the success of the 2022 Vocabulary Symposium, the ARDC invites you to the 2023 Vocabulary Symposium on 14 and 15 November 2023.
This is a 2-day hybrid event bringing together people from domains across disciplines spanning research, government and industry, including those from the ARDC Thematic Research Data Commons. The aim is to communicate and promote approaches to using, developing, publishing and maintaining vocabularies. The event will cover Australian and international initiatives that demonstrate the impact and value of FAIR vocabularies for maximising the reuse value of data within and across domains.
The program for the Symposium is out now. The Symposium will feature keynote presentations from:
- Arofan Gregory, a standards expert at CODATA, who will present on “Controlled Vocabularies in a Changing Metadata Landscape”.
- Jen Drysdale, a cultural heritage informatics and analytics specialist at the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, who will discuss “The Role of Vocabularies in Cultural Heritage and the Impact of New Strategic Drivers”.
The Symposium is led by the ARDC in partnership with: