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Polar Data Forum IV – Call for Abstracts is NOW OPEN!

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We are pleased to announce that Polar Data Forum IV will be co-hosted online by the Royal Belgian institute of Natural Sciences and the European Polar Board (EPB) and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in The Hague (NL) from September 20th to 24th, 2021. This event will be co-organized with the Second Southern Ocean Regional Workshop for the UN Ocean Decade and Hackathon and focus on the polar oceans.

Abstracts for oral presentation and posters will be accepted on a wide variety of data, information and knowledge related issues. Abstracts will be reviewed primarily for their relevance or connection to the polar regions and polar activities. While talks or posters on general topics will be considered, priority will be given to abstracts focused on experiences, Indigenous Knowledge research, operations, projects, programs or topics based in or are about the polar regions. Of particular interest are talks that report on how broader, regional, disciplinary or global standards, protocols and methodologies are, or could be applied, to the polar domain (e.g. how does your polar work link to broader efforts to make data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). In keeping with past community events, we see the polar data system as part of the broader global system.


Abstracts are invited for the following proposed conference sessions:

• Knowledge mobilization and decision making
• Co-production of data, information and knowledge
• FAIR data for the polar regions
• Vocabularies and semantic interoperability
• Data policy
• Data for modellers and remote sensing
• Logistical information management
• Barriers to data sharing / User needs
• Ocean biogeochemical data management
• New ships and real-time data in low connectivity locations
• Other topics of interest

Important dates

• Abstract Submission Deadline:  June 18, 2021
• Notification of Abstract Acceptance:  July 30, 2021
• Forum Registration Deadline: September 10, 2021
• Polar Data Forum: September 20-24, 2021