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Open Review of IRIDIUM Research Data Management Glossary is now invited and is open until 30 June 2017

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The International Research Data Management (IRiDiuM) Glossary ( and ( is intended as a practical reference for individuals and working groups concerned with the improvement of research data management, and as a meeting place for further discussion and development of terms. 

The aim is to create a stable and sustainably governed standard glossary of community accepted terms and definitions, and to keep it relevant by maintaining it as a ‘living document’ that is updated when necessary. 

Definitions should be clear and unambiguous, and where possible, fit with common usage. Definitions should be apposite across research data management activities of key stakeholders, including, but not limited to: researchers/authors, research management, research policy, computer science, IM/IT, research administration, libraries; scholarly publishers, and research funders. Some terms may have more than one definition, in which case the relevant context should be specified. 

In this year’s first review cycle, the Working Group convened by CASRAI, CODATA and Research Data Canada has delivered a subset of new and edited terms for addition to the IRIDUM Glossary.

IRiDiuM is led by a Program Committee: 

Open Review is now invited for these new and revised terms.  This review is open until June 30, 2017.

The new and revised terms are listed at – to comment on the terms you will need to register on the forum.