The extended deadline for submissions is the 12th of January 2024.
The 19th International Open Repositories Conference (OR2024) will be held from June 3-6th 2024 in Göteborg, Sweden.
The theme for the conference is: Empowering Global Progress
OR2024 provides an opportunity to explore and reflect on the ways repositories enable transparent and sustainable information and data. How can we better utilize repositories for empowering global progress? How can we develop the capacity of institutions to implement sustainable open repositories to improve data equity worldwide and support the SDGs? How can the repository community harness AI responsibly to support their goals?
We particularly welcome proposals aligned to the overall theme, but also on other administrative, organisational, or practical topics related to digital repositories. We are interested in the following sub-themes:
- Transparency: Promoting research transparency
- Community: Elevating underrepresented communities
- Sustainability : Opening research for climate justice
Submission categories include posters, workshops, lightning talks, roundtable discussions, papers, and panels.
Please visit the Call for Proposals page to learn more about the sub-themes and submission categories of the conference, including a full list of submission templates and key dates for submission deadlines and approvals.
The extended deadline for submissions is the 12th January 2024.
Fellowship application open
The Open Repositories Steering Committee is now accepting applications for fellowships to attend OR2024 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Fellowship recipients will receive funding for travel, accommodation, meals and incidentals, as well as full conference registration, including the poster reception and conference dinner.
We look forward to the vibrant conversations and learning opportunities of the conference.
Programme Co-Chairs:
Emily Bongiovanni, Carnegie Mellon University
Nora Mulvaney, Toronto Metropolitan University
Urban Andersson, Chalmers University of Technology
Contact: or24-program-chairs@