This Autumn, euroCRIS will organize its “Strategic Membership Meeting”: the yearly opportunity for discussion and exchange of ideas between the Strategic Partners of euroCRIS and the euroCRIS Community, around an actual and mutually interesting theme:
Towards optimal Research information Infrastructures on a national and international level.
What uses for which stakeholders? Through which collaboration(s), by which building blocks?
With special attention for: The road to a European Research Information Infrastructure.
We may be farther along this road than we realize (if we jointly grasp the present opportunities).
What can be learned from ongoing initiatives and collaborations within and outside of Europe?
This year the meeting will take place in Athens, Greece, from 8-10 of November forthcoming and will be organized in cooperation with the Greek National Documentation Centre (EKT).
We at euroCRIS are both happy and proud to be able to present you an – in my view – exciting and challenging programme, with a mixture of lectures and interactive sessions with the audience and some first class speakers from key stakeholders in the research information domain. More concretely:
- Prof. Geoffrey Boulton, President of CODATA, the Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council for Science. See:
- Prof. John Donovan, President of EARMA: the European Organisation for Research Managers. See:
- Dr Emily Gale, UK Medical Research Council, representing SCIENCE EUROPE, the association of European Research Funding Organisations (RFO) and Research Performing Organisations (RPO), See:
- Dr Natalia Manola: Project Manager of the OpenAIRE Project. See:
Apart from these expert speakers, there will be, as indicated, various interactive sessions with the audience as well as contributions on national developments going on in Greece in the field of research information in general and CRIS in particular.
Last but not least, there will be the presentation of the work towards a “new CERIF-XML”, aimed at promoting the acceptance and application of CERIF, with already a first concrete use case project that has been started up to implement the revised CERIF-XML.
You will find also all the information needed regarding the meeting at the euroCRIS web site:
Attendance is free of charge for members of euroCRIS, and only € 60, — for non-members (granting at the same time a one-year personal membership of euroCRIS).