The DRUM Task Group, in collaboration with the CIPM SI Digital Framework TG and the BIPM hosted the “Units Summit” @ SciDataCon and BIPM on 20 – 23 June, to coincide with meetings at BIPM and with SciDataCon 2022 (one of the two conferences comprising International Data Week). The idea behind the summit was to make the community aware of the international efforts currently underway around creating a digital unit of measurement ecosystem to enable FAIR units and thus FAIR data.
The ‘Units Summit’ started with two sessions at SciDataCon:
Interoperable Units of Measurement: International Developments
Organized by Dr. Robert Hanisch, Chair of the DRUM TG, 20 June, 02:30–04:00 UTC
Interoperable Units of Measurement International Developments (426).mp4 from CODATA on Vimeo.
Digital Unit Representation Systems and their Use in Infrastructure
Organized by Dr. Stuart Chalk, Secretary of the DRUM TG, 21 June, 00:30–02:00 UTC
220621_449_Digital Unit Representation Systems and their Use in Infrastructure from CODATA on Vimeo.
Units Summit Recap Meeting
Additionally, the DRUM TG and BIPM held a “Units Summit Recap Meeting” on 21 June in order to brief colleagues on the SciDataCon sessions and discuss the implications with colleagues from BIPM and the metrology community. A recording of this meeting is available to watch below.
In the Units Summit Recap Session, this talk at SciDataCon by Jeremy Frey was mentioned.
BIPM Webinar, Developments Towards Interoperable Metrology
Finally, on 22 June, 07:00–08:30 UTC, BIPM hosted a webinar, ‘Developments Towards Interoperable Metrology’, organised by Dr. Martin Milton, Director of the BIPM, and Dr. Susanne Picard, Coordinator of the KCDB.
If you have any feedback or comments about this session, please let us know.