WorldFAIR worked with a set of 11 Case Studies, drawn internationally from various disciplines and cross-disciplinary research areas. The objective was that each Case Study would develop an interoperability framework for their discipline or interdisciplinary research area.
The precise characteristics of the contribution to advancing FAIR varies from case study to case study, depending on the requirements and the state-of-play in each discipline; but in general, the frameworks comprise recommendations and guidelines, and sometimes demonstrations or implementations, and training materials. Briefly, the highlight contribution of each WP included the following:
- WP03 Chemistry: recommendations on FAIR policy and practice, a training ‘cookbook’, and a description of priority utility services to support FAIR for chemistry globally.
- WP04 Nanomaterials: recommendations for the FAIRification of nanomaterials tools and models.
- WP05 Geochemistry: guidelines for implementing Geochemistry FIPs.
- WP06 Social Surveys: guidelines for harmonisation and interoperability of cross-national social sciences surveys.
- WP07 Population Health: FAIR data implementation guide, training package and policy and practice recommendations.
- WP08 Urban Health: guidelines and recommendations for harmonisation, FAIR and CARE; training materials and an updated FAIR implementation profile and guide.
- WP09 Biodiversity: contribution and reflections on the development and community consultation for the new GBIF unified data model and components.
- WP10 Agricultural Biodiversity: review of data standards and use cases, best practices guidelines, recommendations and tutorial, and a FAIR data assessment rubric.
- WP11 Ocean Sciences: interoperability specifications and policy recommendations and demonstrations of verified, FAIR (meta)data exchanges.
- WP12 Disaster Risk Reduction: recommendations for use of FAIR vocabularies and to increase the FAIRness of DRR-related data.
- WP13 Cultural Heritage: recommendations for image data sharing in cultural heritage, and a report on the implementation and testing of the recommendations in the DRI case study.