Collectively referred to as Data Together, four collaborating international data organisations — CODATA, GO FAIR, RDA, WDS—have a joint commitment (published in March 2020) to work together to optimise the global research data ecosystem and to identify opportunities that will trigger federated infrastructures to service the new reality of data-driven science.
These infrastructures are typically referred to as science clouds or platforms, or research commons, and can be defined at a high level as forming a global trusted ecosystem that provides seamless access to high quality interoperable research outputs and services. Science clouds and commons are developing around the world to address the need for infrastructures to support cross-geographical and cross-disciplinary open science.
Both CODATA and RDA have major initiatives to work with the development of such open research infrastructures: CODATA’s Global Open Science Cloud (GOSC) and RDA’s Global Open Research Commons (GORC), developed in collaboration with the WDS. These came out of a series of meetings held at International Data Week, RDA Plenaries, CODATA Conferences and the FAIR Convergence Symposium, and ultimately include all the Data Together organisations as partners. The GOSC and GORC initiatives aim to encourage cooperation, alignment and interoperability among these infrastructures.
Teams from both initiatives will communicate regularly and ensure shared membership to minimise divergence and duplication. Activities will be complementary: where possible, GOSC will seek to implement recommendations from the GORC IG/WG and, in turn, will feed findings from its work on alignment and interoperability and its case studies into shared discussions. While the GORC initiative focuses on a roadmap for commons integration, the GOSC is creating a cooperation mechanism and testbed implementations for science clouds that arise from that roadmap. Developing and sustaining collaboration between GORC and GOSC, through the Data Together partnership will enhance the impact of each initiative and result in sustainable benefits for the wider research community. In addition, members of the Data Together group are working with the various platforms to convene a roundtable of senior representatives from the organizations to facilitate these efforts.
- Read the full March 2021 statement of Data Together on Fostering Cooperation Among Open Science Platforms.
- Find out more about the Open Science Commons Executives’ Roundtable (OSCER).
- Read an interview here with Simon Hodson, CODATA Executive Director, about how Data Together fits with the CODATA strategic programme, ‘Making Data Work for Cross-Domain Grand Challenges’.
Page last updated: 2022-03-24.