2019 CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Advanced Workshops
The CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School and Research Data Science
Advanced Workshops will run for their fourth and third year respectively at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.

The CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Advanced Workshops will take place on 19-23 August 2019. Apply here!
Deadline: 18/04/2019
Deadline: 18/04/2019
During this activity, several applied/thematic workshops on Research Data Science run in parallel.
- Bioinformatics: This workshop focuses on building Machine Learning workflows using NGS Data. Topics include: Experimental design; Introduction to NGS data analysis; Machine Learning in NGS; and CWL. Participants should be familiar with UNIX shell and R programming language.
- IoT and Big Data Analytics: This workshop presents the analysis of vast amounts of data produced by embedded devices, sensors, appliances and other data-collecting systems in real time using new processes and tools for collecting, storing and processing IoT big data, event/streaming data. Participants should be familiar with software installation and programming in R or Java or Python. Professionals & corporate entities should apply for this workshop via the ITU Academy.
- Climate Data Sciences: This workshop will introduce Cloud-Computing based Data access, processing and visualisation tools for Climate Science, including the Copernicus climate data services platforms and the CMIP Earth System Grid. Participants will work in small project teams and should have a background in Climate Sciences and/or climate modeling.
- Extreme Sources of Data: This workshop introduces the basics relative to a cut-and-count particle physics analysis as performed in the ATLAS Collaboration (Large Hadron Collider). Topics to be covered include phenomenological, experimental and data-analysis aspects of the Standard Model; software development and tools for analysis and reproducible science and sharing. Participants should have taken at least one course on Particle Physics at High Education level.
Individuals seeking an introduction to Research Data Science can apply to the Summer School that runs immediately before the workshops.
For more information from the ICTP site go to: http://indico.ictp.it/event/8847/
- A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants from developing countries.Professionals and corporate entities should register/apply for the Advanced Workshop on IoT and Big-Data Analytics via the ITU Academy platform.
About the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School, 5-16 August 2019
The CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School provides training in the foundational skills of Research Data Science. Contemporary research – particularly when addressing the most significant, transdisciplinary research challenges – cannot be done effectively without a range of skills relating to data. This includes the principles and practice of Open Science and research data management and curation, the use of a range of data platforms and infrastructures, large scale analysis, statistics, visualisation and modelling techniques, software development and annotation and more. We define ‘Research Data Science’ as the ensemble of these skills.
Find out more about the schools here where you will find links to information about past schools in 2016, 2017 and 2018 held in Trieste and São Paulo. Watch a video about the Schools of Research Data Science here
The School of Research Data Science has enjoyed a remarkable success and clearly responds to a burning need for data skills among Early Career Researchers and others involved in the research process, internationally.
ICTP School Poster for DataTrieste 2019