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European DDI Conference 2022: Introduction to DDI

CODATA and the DDI Alliance collaborated to present free online training at the European DDI conference 2022. The training event introduced DDI and describes the major specifications, DDI Codebook and DDI Lifecycle, as well as the upcoming DDI Cross-Domain Integration. In addition, DDI tool demonstrations show how DDI can be used in practice.


Speaker: Adrian Dusa (Romanian Social Data Archive).

Overview of the Session

Speakers: Elizabeth Bishop (GESIS) & Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen (GESIS): view slides

Slides DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7464990

DDI Specifications

This session will introduce the different specifications and how each of these can be used to describe important metadata for different purposes.

DDI Codebook

Speaker: Katja Moilanen (Finnish Social Science Data Archive): view slides

Slides DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7465002

DDI Codebook is a metadata specification for providing detailed, machine-actionable and human-readable metadata about individual studies and their data files in an XML format.

DDI Lifecycle

Speaker: Hayley Mills (CLOSER): view slides

Slides DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7545444

DDI Lifecycle addresses the needs of metadata management not only for archives and data disseminators, but also throughout the data lifecycle, from data collection and survey design through the end stages.

DDI Cross-Domain Integration

Speaker: Arofan Gregory (CODATA): view slides

Slides DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7465023

DDI Cross-Domain Integration is a forthcoming standard which is intended to complement other metadata specifications – notably DDI Codebook and DDI Lifecycle – by making it possible to share and reuse data across domain boundaries and within and between research infrastructures.

DDI Tools demonstrations

Slides DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7465042

This session will provide an overview of many of the tools and service providers available to those who are interested in actively implementing DDI. The intention is to help users understand what tools and services exist for the different specifications, and who they should talk to in order to learn more.


World Bank tools: Olivier Dupriez (World Bank): view slides

Codebook Statconverter: Adrian Dușa (RODA): view slides

Archivist: Becky Oldroyd (CLOSER): view slides

DDI-CDI Tools implementation: Deirdre M. Lungley (UKDA): view slides

Rich Data Services: Andrew DeCarlo (Metadata technology): view slides



Find out more

Learn more about DDI at

Learn more about CODATA-DDI Training webinar series at



Page last updated: 2023-01-11.