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Global Consultation on DPTC guidance and tools

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UNESCO has partnered with CODATA to explore how the principles of open science as outlined in the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science could guide efficient and effective policies for data sharing in times of crisis taking into account existing international policies and action frameworks.

The UNESCO-CODATA Data Policy for Times of Crisis Facilitated by Open Science (DPTC) working group has been developing guidance and tools for data policy required to address crises within the framework of the UNESCO Open Science Recommendation. The DPTC’s work is designed to contribute to the UNESCO Open Science Toolkit.

Comprising a factsheet, a guidance document, and a checklist for data policies for times of crisis facilitated by open science, these resources are intended to assist policymakers, scientists and other stakeholders to design the most efficient data policies for times of crisis not only addressing immediate response needs but also preparedness and long-term recovery.

A consultation on the DPTC WG outputs was announced in October 2024, inviting feedback, comments or input from any interested stakeholders before 6 January 2025. The following three documents were up for consultation:

  • Factsheet for developing data policies for times of crisis facilitated by open science
  • Guidance for the development of data policies for times of crisis facilitated by open science
  • Checklist for developing data policies for times of crisis facilitated by open science

For further information and to access the documents please consult the launch of the global consultation on the UNESCO website.

Webinar presenting the results of UNESCO’s global consultation on developing data policies for crisis situations facilitated by open science is taking place on 16 January 2025.