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UNESCO-CODATA Data Policy in Times of Crisis (DPTC) Consultative Meeting 5 July

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UNESCO-CODATA DPTC Consultative Meeting

UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE/BIE), Geneva and Virtual

Friday, 5 July 2024, 10:00-12:00 CEST (08:00-10:00 UTC)

UNESCO has partnered with the Committee on Data (CODATA) of the International Science Council (ISC) to explore how the principles of open science as outlined in the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science could guide efficient and effective policies for data sharing in times of crises taking into account existing international policies and action frameworks.

The UNESCO-CODATA Data Policy for Times of Crisis Facilitated by Open Science (DPTC) project aims at developing guidance and tools for data policy required to address crises within the framework of the UNESCO Open Science Recommendation. The DPTC’s work is designed to contribute to the UNESCO Open Science Toolkit. Comprising a set of guidances, factsheets, and a checklist, the deliverables contribute to the needs of scientists, policymakers, responders, communities, and citizens for addressing crisis situations.

The Consultative Meeting Objective

This consultative meeting brings together policymakers, researchers, and practitioners from around the globe to discuss the intricacies of applying open science in real-world crises, ensuring that the collective wisdom and data generated through scientific endeavors are openly available to address urgent global challenges.

The draft deliverables of the DPTC will be presented for discussion and review, as follows:

  • The technical report;
  • The factsheet on data policy for times of crisis facilitated by open science;
  • The guidances on data policy for times of crisis facilitated by open science (A. Guidance for scientists and B. Guidance for policymakers); and
  • The checklist for data policy for times of crisis facilitated by open science.

Registration and Attendance

The meeting will be held in Geneva at the Bureau International D’education Unesco / UNESCO International Bureau of Education (15 route des Morillons, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex) and online.

Use the following links to register for the consultative meeting.

In-person attendance registration:

Online attendance registration:

Indicative Agenda

Time (CEST) Topic Speaker
09:30-10:00 Arrivals and Coffee
10:00-10:10 Welcome  Ana Luiza Thompson Flores, Director UNESCO Office in Geneva
10:10-10:25 Why a policy for data sharing in times of crises Francis P. Crawley, Chair, IDPC, CODATA
10:25-10:40 Open science as a framework for data sharing in times of crises Ana Persic, Programme Specialist, Open Science, UNESCO
10:40-10:50 UNESCO-CODATA Data Policy for Times of Crisis (DPTC) Project Virginia Murray, Chair, DPTC Working Group
10:50-11:10 Presentation of the key deliverables of the UNESCO-CODATA Data Policy for Times of Crisis (DPTC) project Burcak Basbug, DPTC Working Group
11:10-11:45 Discussion with the participants and discussants from WHO, WMO, UNHCHR, CERN Moderated by Virginia Murray, Chair, DPTC Working Group
11:45-11:50 Launch of the global consultation on the following DPTC deliverables:

  • The factsheet
  • The guidance for scientists
  • The guidance for policymakers
  • The checklist
Francis P. Crawley, Chair, IDPC, CODATA
11:55-12:00 Closing Simon Hodson, executive Director, CODATA
12:00-13:00 Lunch