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IDCC call for papers: beyond FAIR

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The 13th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) will take place in Barcelona on 19-22nd February 2018. The call for papers is out now and we encourage you to submit work on relevant digital curation, preservation and research data management initiatives.
Beyond FAIR – from principles to practice to global join up
The need to manage and share digital outputs and data has been clearly articulated and gained international traction over the past decade or more. Effective data handling skills and curation services are essential to support and embed these practices. Much progress has been made towards implementation with services being provided by research institutions, funders, domain groups, commercial providers and others. As the landscape matures, attention is turning to coordination and interoperability, with investments being made in the NIH Commons initiative, the European Open Science Cloud and African Open Science Platform. This evolution poses many difficult questions: Who is responsible for what? What do principles like FAIR mean in reality and how should they be assessed? How do you join up or ensure interoperability across existing and emerging infrastructure and services? Where does the investment come from and how do we make this sustainable?
The focus of IDCC in 2018 is sharing practical lessons on the efforts made so far to curate data and pursue a digital data commons. Papers should address one of three overarching themes:
  • Data: We want to hear from different communities on data processing pipelines – what works and where do tools fail you? How realistic is it to use other people’s data? And what challenges emerge from the current policies and drivers for openness?
  • Skills and services: Lessons from those supporting data and digital collections are also called for. What programmes have you been running to share skills and build capacity? To what extent are you tailoring provision to different domains? How are the services on offer maturing and evolving?
  • Value: In terms of impact and sustainability, we want to know what value is being generated for society by sharing and reusing data? What models are emerging to demonstrate the impact of services. And how are services being sustained?
The deadline for paper submissions is Monday 23rd October and for workshops Monday 30th October.
For the full call and further details about the conference, please visit the conference website: